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Kellin's POV

Well, first hour sucked; the teacher already hates me. I can tell this schools in general sucks. Like earlier when I saw a kid's locker covered in harsh notes taped to it. Like what the fuck?

We have the same first hour. He is sitting next to me. I still know nothing about him, but he kinda reminds me of when I was younger.

Soon, and thankfully, the bell rang.

"Hey, I'm Kellin" I turned to the kid next to me.

He had brown eyes and long ish hair. And he was for sure Mexican, plus he had a Foo Fighters shirt.

"Uh, I'm Vic?" He stated, the words coming out as more of a question.

I was about to say something until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with a girl who was playing with her hair.

"Hi, I'm Julie. I bet you would much rather talk to me than this loser." She batted her fake lashes.

"Nah, I don't like talking to sluts. And I wasn't talking to a loser, I was talking to Vic. So how about you go find a horny foot ball player to make your baby daddy yeah?" I told her with a causal tone.

Her jaw dropped and I heard Vic laugh behind me. I just gave smile.

"Ugh, So you would rather talk to this- this faggot?" She spat, pointing to Vic.

I turned to look at Vic. He just looked away from me.

"Well I guess faggots just have a way of coming together So would you really want to fuck this faggot?" I pointed to myself making it clear.

She just huffed and walked away.

I turned back to Vic who looked at me, stunned.

"So, I have to get to class, hope my next teacher isn't a strict asshole like that guy. But I'll see ya around, Vic." I waved at him amd started to walk off, until I heard a 'wait'.

I walked back to Vic. "Yeah?"

"Why did you do that?" He questioned.

"Woah, I don't do cops" I threw my hands in the air. "I plead the fifth!"

He chuckled quietly. "No, just why did you say that?"

"Well, you aren't a loser. Plus faggot is just a straight people word for gays, and straight people suck. Well, unless they're allies. Those are some pretty cool people." I explained. "Now, I know it's kinda late, but can you show me around?"

"Uh, um. Yeah sure." He smirked and grabbed his things. "Let me see your classes"

I handed him my paper and let him lead the way.

"This is the gym. We have some classes together, including PE." He said walking into the gym. I got my gym uniform at the office earlier.

When we went to the changing room I found my locker and started to change. Suddenly I hear a gasp. I look at Vic and see him starting at my bruises.

"What, have you never seen bruises before?" I asked him a bit defensively, grabbing my shirt.

"I have, but why do you have to many?" He said walking closer.

I couldn't help but to laugh. I can't tell anyone about the gang so I had to come up with something.

"I'm Mr. Badass." Was all I said and laughed.

He looked confused and pulled off his Foo Fighters shirt. But not his long sleeves.

I glance at my arms, I used to self harm when I was 13. I still had scars, but they weren't noticeable unless you look closely. I hope he doesn't have any. I mean he is quiet, bullied with notes on his lockers, and must be called names like that whore used earlier.

It's so sad how someone could do that so naturally.

"So Vic, tell me about yourself." I asked being my nosy self.

"Um, not a lot to tell." He shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sure there is." I smiled at him and walked out.

Vic soon followed and we waited for the couch to tell us what we are doing today.

Soon, he blows his whistle. "Today we are tackling."

I heard Vic groan.

"Hey coach, Vic threw up earlier. I don't think he should do PE today. " I lied without thinking. Vic seems like he would be the center target. I'm not about to let that happen.

I'm Mr. BadassWhere stories live. Discover now