Stay with me (chapter 7)

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Troye's POV

We were in the car, driving back home. I didn't eat anything after what happened. I hate my dad. How could he still say something like that? His words kept repeating itself in my head. I just stared at the sky. At the clouds that drifted away. I didn't say anything. Korey was driving and Tyler gave me this worried look the whole time. "Troye... Are you okay?" Tyler almost whispered. I nodded but still didn't say anything. "Are you sure?" Tyler asked. "Yes Tyler. I'm okay, now just let me think and be in my own world. My own world where my family doesn't hate me. Where I live a normal life and everyone accepts me. Where I can be myself..." I felt tears sting in my eyes. Tyler wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head, "I'm so sorry Troye... It'll get better, I promise you." I smiled, "Thanks Tilly."

When we got home I immediately jumped on the couch. Korey got home and Tyler made a hot chocolate for me. We cuddled on the couch while I drank my hot chocolate. We didn't say anything, but it wasn't an awkward silence. My spotify playlist was the background music while sang along with some of the songs. "I really like your voice Troye... Please never stop singing okay?" I smiled, "Okay Tilly. But you should sing too, I'm sure you'll be great!" Tyler blushed and shook his head, "No uhm... Singing isn't really like my 'thing' I guess..." "Shut up Ty, singing is everyone's thing. It can make everyone so much happier. And don't worry, I won't judge you if you can't sing." I winked. Tyler's face turned even more red and he held a floral pillow in front of his head to hide his blushing cheeks. I chuckled and pulled the pillow out of his hands. I almost sat on top of him, "Sing Ty! Or else I'll tickle you to death!" "Troye! Don't!" I smiled, "Not going to sing? Okay, your fault." I started tickling him while he laughed his perfect laugh. "Okay, okay, Troye! Stop... Stop it! I'll sing for you!" I nodded, "Good choice Ty." Tyler started singing,

"Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one night stand. 

But I still need love, 'cause I'm just a man.

These nights never seem to go to plan.

I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand.

Oh won't you, stay with me.

'Cause you're, all I need.

This ain't love, it's clear to see.

But darling, stay with me."

I started sobbing and Tyler immediately stopped singing, "Oh Troye! Do I sound so bad that I made you cry?" I chuckled, still sobbing "No, no... It was beautiful Tilly." I smiled and looked him in the eyes. "R... Really?" I nodded, "Yes Tilly. I won't lie to you about that!" He blushed, God he's a blushing mess. Is he always like that? I still stared in his beautiful grey blue eyes. I felt a weird sparkly feeling in my stomach. He's gorgeous... Tyler leaned in to kiss me and I felt his warm lips on mine. I felt a spark all through my body. I've never felt like this before... Tyler broke the kiss, "I... I'm sorry I shouldn't have... I'm sorry." He quickly got up and ran to his bedroom where he locked the door so I couldn't come in. What's happening? 

I knocked on Tyler's door, "Please Tyler... Let me in... We can talk about it I guess?" after a long silence I heard a soft voice saying, "I'm sorry Troye... I guess I just need to think. Alone." I nodded, "Okay..." I walked away and jumped on my bed. I still felt weird. I felt happy. My lips felt cold and I wanted to feel Tyler's on mine again. I... I think I may love him... 

Tyler's POV

After an hour I decided to message Korey. 

Hi Korey... Something has happened between me and Troye. I know it's kind of late but do you still have time to talk? Tyler.

I heard my phone almost beep immediately

Yeah of course Ty. See you in a minute. I'll make some coffee for you. Korey.

I smiled. I'm so lucky to have such a good friend. I sneaked out of my house and knocked on Korey's door. He opened it almost immediately, "Tell me everything Ty." We plopped down on the couch and I decided to just say everything immediately. "Okay so... I may have kissed Troye today while we were cuddling on the couch. And I may have realised that I'm deeply in love with him..." Korey smiled, "What a surprise!" I gave him a confused look, "What... What do you mean? You already knew? Before me?" Korey nodded, "Yeah, of course! I know you better than you know yourself! I saw how you looked at him, how you acted around him. I saw everything. And I also saw how Troye looked and acted around you. I don't know him that well but it was so obvious!" I smiled, "Do you think... Do you think Troye likes me too?" Korey chuckled, "Uh yeah. Obviously. How could you not notice that? Also are we kids or something, discussing if our crushes like like us back and stuff?" I laughed, "I think so, this is ridiculous. But... Seriously, should I tell Troye? Should I tell him how much I love him? Won't that ruin our friendship?" Ouch... For the first time it hurts to say that Troye was 'just' a friend instead of something more... "Tyler, I see how much you want Troye to be much more than a friend. You should go for it." I smiled, "Thanks Korey, well got to go then!" I jumped up and almost ran to the door, "Goodluck!"


Hi! In case you were wondering the song is called "Stay with me" from the wonderful Sam Smith. His new album is amazing, you should definitely listen to it. It's called in the lonely hour. Also, I'm so sorry I haven't updated for what seems like forever to me. I was on holiday and I kind of didn't know where to go with this story. I hope things are not going to fast in this story or something. I feel like a lot happens in these chapters but maybe it's just me. Thanks for all the votes, comments and just 'reads' they all mean the world to me! Love, Lisa.

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