Drunk Red BC Y not TBH [Wild]

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Sans sat there on his Blue and brown patterned recliner, watching the show that had been on. Finally, after the wait, there was a creek from the door. He heard the footsteps- they sounded un-even. His drunken boyfriend made his way downstairs. He heard a small curse. "hey baby" Sans looks at the slightly stumbling skeleton as he sits down. He merely glares at the TV.
"Why the fuck did you do that? Makin' me f'kn pissed.." Fell glared at Sans.
"the hell you talking about?" Sans was confused. Just as that, Fell's behavior completely changes. He walks/stumbles over to Sans and kisses him. Sans really didn't do anything. Fell then looked over at the TV.
"Why you watching this? Learning how to kill people..." Sans looks back at his TV. He had been watching Forensic Files, interested in a deep murder case.
"Fell that's not what-" Fell just went into their shared room. Sans let out a sigh and averted his attention back to the TV. It was 1:24AM currently, Sans was planning to go to bed after this episode.
"WHAT THE FUCK" Sans's head whipped to the direction the voice came from. "Sans, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" Fell walked out of their room, holding a black and red checkered long-sleeve shirt.
"I do not know Fell, what IS it?" Sans wasn't amused.
"I thought I told you to thr.. THROW IT AWAY. And you got into my stuff"

"I didn't touch your dam stuff. And why would you throw that away? It's one of my favorite shirts of yours" Sans irritatedly turned back to the TV. He heard a grumble, and Red walked back into their room. Sans groaned as the show ended. Red's drunken behavior had distracted Sans from the ending. Sans got up, and sloppily threw the wadded up pink blanket back onto the recliner, and watched as a few stray popcorn kernels drop off from Sans' light blue sheep patterned pajamas. He walked into the room, to immediately be pushed against the wall roughly, and Sans let out an 'eep' in surprise. He noticed the two arms on the side of his head, and the massive lean frame that lead up to the face of


jk. (didn't steal that prank from. Someone else. Edge gets to be the villain too often anyways)

Red. There and behold, was the drunk, lustful gaze of his mate, baring down on him. "Red, what the fuck?!?" Sans only felt a hand trail down to around were his tailbone was, and cupped the area with one of his massive hands, pulling Sans' body closer to his, exclusively the area around his pelvis. A small blush made its way into Sans' face. Red let out a hiccup, and a drunken chuckle. "Red, I'm not in the mood for sex tonight...... I wanna go to bed" Sans prevailed, and just barely managed to get out of the grip of the other, Sans saw that his facial expression was confused. "Red... C'mon, maybe tomorrow.... When your not drunk.... If your even in the mood. Let's just go to bed, your terribly drunk" Sans waved in the direction of the bed, before turning around. Only to be scooped up by the massive arms of his lover. There was a grumble in the others throat, that wasn't a negative one either. He carried the other to the bed. Sans just rested his head on the others chest, and lightly clung to him. Until Red dropped Sans onto the center of said bed, and loomed over Sans. There was a small sound of a hiccup that Red suppressed. He dove down, and kissed the other, his sharp talon like phalanges fumbling to try and unbutton the others night top and get it off. . Sans got his head away from the others, and lightly kicked him where his gut would be. "Red, I said no! Get off!" Sans growled. He crawled out from underneath the other, climbed over to the pillow, and, right after covering himself in the thick blanket layers, he plopped his head down onto said pillow. The bed was actually ridiculously big, but both the monsters sprawled out and needed room when they were asleep. He huffed and closed his eyes shut, and ignored the others whines and occasional hiccups as he pawed at Sans' blankets. After awhile, Reds noises died down. And Sans just layed there in bed, until, he heard the soft sound of a snore, and then, he himself shut his eyes, to be immediately claimed by sleep.




This is an old old old one that I started writing a while back, and never got to finishing. I guess it's 700sumthin words, which is good enough IG. It's a short thing I wrote just becuz, I might do something with it in the future, I dunno. Enjoy :p

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