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Opposite to me stood the person who meant the most to me. Not because of his looks, or his ability. But because he was the reason I woke up smiling in the morning. In fact, he was the reason I woke up in the first place. His voice bounced off the walls of my Genius Lab, and landed in my own ears, and the microphone before us. He sang notes I didn't think would've been possible, at least for someone of my vocal range. I remembered back to the night in the bathroom, the night in his room. The same pained expression he gave me seemed to disappear in my mind, replaced by his features now. His eyelids closed, fluttering softly, as his lips moved, allowing the words I wrote to escape. He seemed beautifully angelic, too perfect. 

I sat up, breathing heavily. I looked to both sides to find myself back in my bedroom. The knick-knacks on my wall were all in their rightful places, except the ones closest to where my head was. They were all over on their sides. My window, still parted slightly, allowed a cool breeze into the room. It caused my exposed top half to shiver, goosebumps forming on my back.

"What the hell?" I asked aloud, realising my shirt was missing. I gazed down and to my side, to notice a sleeping Kookie beside me. My heart skipped a beat, my mind racing. It took a moment to fully recall what happened the night before, but when I did, I was left clenching the duvet in my fists. 

Kookie breathed steadily and evenly under the white covers. I was nearly too scared to look at him, in case he moved or woke up. Pulling the edge of the covers back, I peeked at his chest, fully bare like mine. I breathed in, and placed the duvet back. I looked on the floor over him to find our clothes strewn messily all over the blanket from our make-do picnic.

The door to the room clicked open. I sat still, hoping Jin would go away so I could wake Kookie up and leave. Instead, Jin stalled in his half of the room, rummaging in his drawers by the sound of things. I bit my lip, wanting to ask him to leave. As his sound grew quieter, and the door clicked open again, Kookie rolled over beside me, hugging my waist. I sharply inhaled, and Jin closed the door again. His footsteps grew closer, until they stopped at the joint of our rooms.

"Yoongi, you're-" Jin stopped, staring away from where Kookie and I lay. We stayed in silence for a moment, my cheeks and ears flushing red. Beside me, Kookie snuggled in closer, and I wished that my roommate wasn't standing opposite us. 

"Can't you read? I clearly left a sign reading do not disturb," I whispered, hoping Kookie wouldn't wake up as Jin was standing in the room. He nodded, and went to turn away, stopping himself.

"So you two actually... I'm surprised, Yoongi. I thought it'd take you longer to warm up to him. I can only imagine where he took you yesterday," he began laughing as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Kookie stirred beside me, as I put an arm on his side.

"Time to wake up, sleepy," I spoke softly in his ear, pulling the cover slowly off him, stopping at his waist. His eyes flickered open as he sleepily looked up at me. His eyes were glazed over, and his lips were dry. His hair, fluffed at the sides, stuck out in odd directions. He smiled, sitting up. 

"Morning," he cheered in a whisper, sleep still hanging over him. He held onto my waist tightly, closing his eyes again. "What time it it?"

I reached over him to look at my phone, to see it was seven twenty. "It's time to get up," I rolled him over slightly, so he faced the edge of the bed. He sat up slowly, yawning, and stretching his arms out to the sides. 

"Damn," I sighed, watching him carefully. He turned around to face me, a smile still painted on his face. I looked down, rubbing the back of my neck. He chuckled softly to himself.

"Can I steal a shirt of yours?" he asks, reaching down to his drenched one from the day before. 

"Of course," I sat up, and slid out of bed. I searched through the drawers, moving crinkled old shirts out of the way. I chose a plain white tee, and handed it to Kookie. I picked out a black one for myself, and slid it on. 

We continued to dress in silence, partly because I was unsure what to say, partly because I was scared to break the silence. He hummed softly, a tune I recognised, and I didn't want to interrupt him. Abruptly, he stopped. I turned to face him, to see him staring at my right hand.

"I... actually gave it to you? It wasn't a dream?" he spoke softly, nearly frightened. I pulled him in, rubbing his back. 

"It wasn't. But it was perfect," I replied as he tightened his grip. 

"So I did actually tell you I loved you? And you said the same back again? And we did have a good night?" his questions flew out of his mouth nearly as fast as my thoughts run through my mind. I nodded, placing my hands on his shoulders as I positioned him before me.

"Yes, Kookie. It was one of the best nights of my life. But you should probably put some pants on and then we can head down to breakfast," I gave him a peck on the cheek, and head to the bathroom to take my medication.

As I swallowed the tablet, I looked into the mirror again. The dark circles under my eyes had completely disappeared, and my skin looked healthier. My hair still hung low over my eyes. I reached down for the scissors in the cupboard. I held my hair in one hand, and the scissors in the other. I carefully opened the blades, and hovered them over my overgrown fringe. As I snipped the first parts of hair off, the door swung open.

"Yoongi, stop-" Kookie stood in the doorway, his arms outstretched. "You're... cutting your hair?"

I sighed, laughing to myself.

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything bad with these scissors. You're nearly as over-protective as Jin these days," I continued to snip my hair off in a straight line, or as straight as I possibly could. Kookie leant against the doorframe, smiling towards me in the mirror. I turned around when I'd cut the last of my fringe, placing the scissors on the vanity.

"You look... wow," was all he managed to let out. I smiled, and took his hand as we walked through the halls, to the shared kitchen. 

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