The Unfinished Project

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" The earth has music
for those who listen "


I walk to the seat next to her and sit down, I smirk at her

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I walk to the seat next to her and sit down, I smirk at her.

"Well, well are you sure you're not following me."

I wishpered a joke to her as I smirked more, she shook her head violently.

"I would never do that and...and I just met you today."

She wishpered back hurriedly, I was about to speak when a ruler was smacked on our table, the students giggle and laugh about it, I look up at the teacher.

"Yes Mrs. Rose."

I politely asked.

"I want you to read what's on the bord, out loud."

I nod.

" Si vous voulez voler, abandonnez tout ce qui vous pèse " (If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.)

"Si vous voulez voler, abandonnez tout ce qui vous pèse."

She smiled but had a surprised look in her eyes.

"Donc, vous connaissez bien Franch."
(So you know Franch well.)

I smirked at her.

"C'est un de mes loisirs, apprendre toutes les langues du monde." (It is one of my hobbies, learning all the languages in the world.)

She looked unsatisfied with that answer.

"C'est un bon passe-temps. Qu'est-ce que vous savez si bien d'autre?" (Well, that is a good hobby. What else you know so well.)

"Je connais le grec, le russe, le vieil anglais et plus encore." ( I know Greek, Russian, Old English, and more.)

Her eyes widened but want to see that I'm not lining.

"Κάνεις?" (You do?)

I look at the table before speaking.

"Ναι, κυρία Rose." (Yes I do, Mrs, Rose.)

She cross her arms over her chest.

"Как вы знаете так много языков в своем возрасте" (How do you know so many languages at your age?)

I glance at Riley to see her impressed that I'm keeping up with the teacher even tho she knew that learning different language was a hobby of mine. I look up to the teacher again.

"Мой отец заставлял меня, когда я мог говорить в молодом возрасте,но мне это понравилось."
(My father force me when I was able to talk at a young age but I liked it tho. )

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