Gingerfur asked Featherstar if Pepperkit could be her apprentice and of course she said yes.
The kits are six moons old and will now have a ceromny-Pepperkit/paw's PO
-this is finally it I'm going to be an apprentice-I thought with joy in my voice
After the ceremony Gingerfur and I went hunting,she caught 3mice 4fish and 2eagles and I caught 4old was the night of the gathering and since i did so good I was able to go!! I am sooooo excited and Featherstar is going to announce that our clan has four new apprentices.only lilypaw and I got to go she caught 3 mice that were also very old but fat. It was fun and crowpaw of lavaclan is really nice and I kinda have a really big crush on him but no one can know.ill keep it a secret in starclan if I have too.