오🤞🏾 military dad👨‍👧

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"i found your father...." said the person

i hanged up in a fear reaction. It just can't be true he can't be found iknow he is dead ughh nah pls tell me its not true "jagiya whats wrong" jimin was worried about me "aniya is nothing" i said "jagiya... dont lie"
i let out a big sigh and explained him

"daddy you will never leave me alone Don't you.... right?" a big smile appeared on my face "honey i will never leave you" my dad was in the military in Japan (Hiroshima) and he would leave me like for years. And after the year i didn't receive any texts or calls.

(yeah i know the war was in 1941 but in this fanfic it was when she was 3 okay... Gamsahamida)

The news
" today we gonna talk about this war between America and japan and America threw 2 bombs in Nazaki and Hiroshima" I was in shocked i sightly cried  "baby it is gonna be  okay dad is now in good place" my mom was holding me and sang  a Japanese song and it calmed me 

"jagiya... i think is a trap"  Jimin hugged me "i don't know but my goal was finding my dad but after the news came my heart broke in pieces jimin-ah i have the chance to find him right" he nodded in agreement and i need to find the person who called but it was an caller ID. I washed the dishes then someone called me maybe it was the same person.

On the phone 📱
" ma'am if you really wanted to find you father pls come at this place St. Seoul street 57 you will see this house bring nobody with you pls..."

" why i have to bring nobody with me what if something happened to me what you gonna do..... nothing right?"

" ma'am nothing will happen if you bring someone with you , because if you bring someone.... your dad will be dead..."

I need to go before something will happen alright


"oh yes.. mianhae St. seoul street 57 right..."

jimin listen everything and had a plan and i put on speaker

"yes i see you tomorrow ma'am and remember.... don't bring anyone or you know the deal"

i hanged up this guy was irritating.

3rd Pov
" sister... she is coming tomorrow " i told her "alright she will suffer" she gave her evil smirk "seulgi don't touch my daughter she did nothing to you , you already have me" the person said "James shut up and i will kill you daughter you didn't know what she did, she took my MAN"she screamed at James "but you was in the military didn't you die? in Hiroshima" i asked he let out a big sigh and he explained

"commander the USA soldiers they ready to fight " i responded "we have to wait till they started to throw a bomb and we begin okay soldiers" we nodded "if you guys don't stop the fight we will throw a bomb at Nasaki" said the commander of USA "commander shall we do it now" he shake his head. BANG!! the first bomb blew off "we will never stop the fight at least if you guys stop" said the commander. " if you guys don't stop the fight we will throw the second bomb at Hiroshima "NOWWW" said the commander but we were to late BANG!. I protect myself few of soldiers didn't make it even my bestfriend he died. After i came in the hospital i lived in Seoul and i became better.

"wow a great story" i said why would i hurt a person like him, maybe i should help them shouldn't i??

BTS&Gabie Pov
"this is ridiculous" said jin "princess i'm sorry for your lost..." RM hugged me "thanks and rm.. happy birthday i was late mian" i said " its okay baby"
"what should we do now" taehyungie hugged me "we should call the police and we should do the plan of jungkook how he saved mia by killing jae" suga said "haijma don't talk about her, but i agree" we all nodded in agreement we called the police already and they agreed the plan "baby its gonna be alright" i nodded in fear action jimin kissed my cheeks and everybody kissed my cheek and few on lips "only i can do that taehyungie" said jimin while giving him death stare... if he would be a beast y'all better run. Then someone texted me

Miathebaddest👸🏽🤞🏾sent you a text

oh this bitch still alive where was she

10:45PM Miathebaddest👸🏽🤞🏾: bish you think jungkook didn't tell me about the beef about that seulgihoe and you ass didn't tell me , and you and jimin had sex? what kinda bestfriend are you bitch

i can feel her anger towards the phone i feel bad she told me literally everything and i forgot about like her that

10:56PM Gabiethenastyasshoe🧚🏽‍♀️: mian Mia i thought you already knew im sorry Bestfriend lets hangout im very sorry i will explain everything

11:00PM miathebaddesthoe👸🏽🤞🏾: where shall we meet and i aint gonna pay is your fault i know you since 1997 and you still keeping secrets from me

11:02PM Gabiethenastyasshoe🧚🏽‍♀️: yeah yah imma pay i see you tomorrow 4PM because i have to go to St. Seoul street 57 to find my dad okay

11:04PM miathebaddesthoe👸🏽🤞🏾: alright alright but imma sleep goodnight nastyasshoe you know which cafe right

11:08PM Gabiethenastyasshoe🧚🏽‍♀️: yeahh iknow xxxxx okay goodnight baddesthoe👸🏽
read 2:30AM

wow she was at 2am awake she is weird yo

Mall with mianieeee
"when you gonna fight with seulgihoe" she sipping on her limonade "idk" i shrugged with that i had a text "today at 6:57PM St Seoul street 57" "6:57PM you ain't coming" i said and ate my burger "why not i know the plan already dont act tough cause you aint, i've been through this gabie?" yeah she is right but still i am worried about her and don't want her to get hurt "if you say so honey" i sipped my last coffee " tonight at the BangTan dorm" she nodded.

3rd Pov (the person who called gabie)

i heard everything about what they talked about maybe i will help them....

BangTan Dorm 6:50
"guys 7min then the plan will start, Gabie needs to go alone to the house and then if they had a fight we come then shoot seulgi and save her dad deal" rm suggest we all nodded in agreement "goshh im traumatized" mia said, i understand her "my baby it's gonna be okay" jungkook held her and kiss her ahww Mikook is ship them "alright Gabriella is your turn Hwaiting🤞🏾!" rm said and they said hwaiting.

Gabie Pov
here i go, I few minutes ago i arrived the house was old but idc i knocked but nobody opened.... But then i opened the door and went in..... i was scared cant lie about that

"ahh the bitch really came" ugh seulgi STFU "i didn't came for you i came for my dad"  i said while i was looking for him "he is right there, waiting for you to be dead" she smirked "oh no seulgi you think you can win that easily" jimin and the gang came "WHATT KANG SOON YOU SAID SHE WOULD COME ALONE" she screamed "i did but idk why she came with them?... sister"  said the person "what.. soon your sister is seulgi?" mia asked "yes mia she is my sister" he looked down "Gabriella Crystal Yoshida.... my precious daughter you've become more beautiful" said my father i cried "dad... you didn't die at the war"  he shook his head "why didn't you came back"  "because i thought i would lose you in hiroshima since the bomb came" he explained "aniyo... mom and namjoon and i knew that the war would begin so we decided to move in Korea" i explained "ENOUGH, LOOK WHAT WE NOT FINNA DO IS ACTING LOVEY DOBEY WITH YOUR DAD I JUST INVITED YOU TO SEE YOUR FATHER DEAD INFRONT OF YOU HOE" she reload the gun

"say goodbye to your appa" she smirked

I closed my eyes.

This would be the end.


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