Entry 8

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Dear diary,

So I invited some friends over today, Ashlyn, Michael, Calum, Louis, Harry, Alex, and Jack.

And of course Ashton was gone and he had left all his precious little journals in his room.

Even his pink one.

No one has EVER gone inside his pink journal besides me and a bit of Calum.

Oh, did I mention that after using some extreme stalking skills, I managed to get Hudson's number, and he came over as well?

This may be a bit too harsh, but Ashton was cheating on me with some loser! She wasn't even THAT good at being in a relationship with me!

So I'm set to ruin Amanda's and Ashton's lives.

I started off with Amanda, since she was the main issue in the first place. I told everyone that she had cheated on me and Hudson. I told Hudson about what Amanda and Ashton we're doing and immediately he broke up with her- through text!

I also told Hudson about what Ashton had told me about Amanda when me and her were dating. I told Hudson that she was dating him and me at the same time.

She deserves to be lonely,

but she isn't! She has Ashton.

Then, the good part came.

I sat everyone around in a circle and began to READ Ashton's precious pink diary to everyone.

'How dare she have sex with my man on MY couch!'

'And I'm certainly NOT looking at his hot bum.'

'Speaking of positions, I wonder what postition luke likes best'

oh, and I HAD to read all of entry 7 to the group. Ashton getting a BONER because of me.

Poor, poor Ashton.

Then, after I had read all the entrys to the group of people, I told them what Ashton had done to me. After a year of me being nothing but faithful, he had broken my heart.

He deserved pain.

He deserved everything I was going to do to his rotten life.


luke really has snapped, hasn't he?

Quick question- What do you think Ashton will do IF, Im saying IF, he finds out that Luke read his diaries out to everyone. Also, what do you think of Ashton and Luke right now as characters?

I know Amanda is on the kill list.

Anyone else you want to add? :-)

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