1. Dangerous woman - Ariana Grande

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Tenten stared ferociously at Neji.
"You're dead, Hyuuga!" she angrily shouted as she dashed towards him. He just smirked at his teammate who went awol after he kissed her infront of their close friends. She didn't understant his reason at all. They don't have that 'relationship' to begin with, even though she liked him so much for a long time.

Though she felt he knew it. What he did earlier, really pissed her off for playing with her feelings and now she just want to punch him in the face.

"You liked me Tenten, you can not kill me." he said pulling her into his arms kissing her in the forehead. "And I like you too." his lips twitched. Her anger suddenly sinked and deeply flushed and instead. She just stared at him because of shock from a sudden confession.

"You are a dangerous woman when you loose your temper, Tenten."

<Huhu. Sorry for the grammar lapses.I was in a rush.>

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