W3ll 23llo! Ok t2is rol3play stars Karkat play3d by Karkat-Vantas01 and Emily play3d by Emily_Captania. W3ll h3r3 w3 go! Emily is watching a bee on a flower "so cut3!" Karkat leans against a tree "HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP STARRING AT THAT BEE" "for a long long tim3" "UUGH YOUR STARTING TO ACT LIKE SOLLUX" "h3y!! I am t23 b33 lov3r!!! gets up and walks over to him. "SURE" "I am!" "SURE YOU ARE" "I am!!!!" starts to walk over to a bee bends down to look at it. Walks over to her and pushes her "LEAVE THE BEE LOVING TO SOLLUX" "HEY!!!!" Gets back up and Buzz's and a bee stings him on the hand "S33 t23y list3n to m3" Is unfazed "I AM SO SCARED" starts walking away. "Wait for m3!" Gets up and follows him "I WASN'T PLANNING ON LEAVING TRUST ME" "Good" "YOUR ANNOYING YOU KNOW THAT" "Y3p....you ar3 too" "NOT AS MUCH AS YOU" "I am not t2at annoying....am I?" Thinks no I am not. "YES YOU ARE" put his hands in his pockets "R3ally?!" gets scared "A LITTLE". Smiles "ok...so w2at do you wanna do?" "I DON'T CARE" "ok t23n..." "NOTHING CRAZY PLEASE" "Ok.....L3t's go to sollux's hous3!" "FINE, HEY CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING" "ya sur3" "WHO DO YOU HAVE A FLUSH CRUSH ON" Blushes "uh um I uh um" "TELL ME EMILY" "I-I...can't" "WHY NOT" "uh...r3asons" "THAT'S NO FUN PLEASE TELL ME" starts to run "OH COME ON" runs after "you would hat3 m3!!!" "NO I WOULDN'T" catches up and grabs her wrist. turns her head blushing "...y...o...u..." runs away
A v3ry wond3rful rol3play of min3
Short Storya rol3play I hav3 t2at I lov3 to d2at2!!