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Ryan Scott was wandering around the forest next to his city. His clothes were dirty from being pushed into the ground by those bigger and stronger than the 16 year old. He sighed and ran his hand through his jet black hair. He continued to walk until he found what he wanted: a mango tree.

He smiled widely ad ran to the tree, and began to climb it. Once he's on a good branch, he begins to pick the mangoes. After he collected  few, one accidentally dropped from his arm and onto something, causing a growl.

Ryan looked down and he froze. He began to panic. "Oops! Sorry, giant cat looking thing!" he shouted. The being looks over to Ryan, frowning. He sits up, and brings his face close to Ryan, sniffing him. Ryan sniffed back, then licked the giant's nose, causing it to pull back, eyes wide. Guess he wasn't expecting that. Ryan thought.

The giant narrowed his eyes again, then licks Ryan's chest, purring. Ryan giggled in response, smiling. "Hi! I'm Ryan!

The giant tilted his head slightly to the left. "Auru..," He calmly said, looking confused.

Ryan kept smiling. "That's a cool name! You have such pretty fur!" Ryan reached out and pet Auru's brown tabby cat ears. The giant purrs and nuzzles Ryan gently, only to stop and pull back, shaking his head. "Ryan, why aren't you running? Aren't you afraid of me?"

"You haven't given me a reason to be afraid of yo," Ryan replied.

"I'm a Macro, don't you know what i do?" Auru countered softly.

"Well duh, but I know the life cycle of all creatures. I know I'm not at the top of the food chain, therefore I'll happily give my life for larger animals that need human sized meals," Ryan absently said.

Auru smiled and laughed softly. "That's a very brave and smart thing to say, Ryan." he complimented.

Ryan smiled as well. "It's the right thing to do, and most humans dont accept that they can be eaten for survival, too."

The macro nuzzled Ryan, purring. "You're absolutely right. Do you have a family, little one?"

Ryan's face fell, and he shrugged, rolling up his sleeves to reveal the signs of an abused child. This made the macro growl and stand, scooping up Ryan into his cupped hand. He gave a reassuring look to Ryan before heading off.

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