DR Piper

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Piper's POV

Why did the gods decide to put us in school!?

I got the worst school because Dalton Ladies Boarding School is anti-demigod.

Everybody hates demigods in this school.

I am supposed to find demigods but there are none so far.

This girl named Kelly keeps bullying me and makes my life a living Tartarus.

Every day she makes up rumors ant me and shoves me up against lockers.

I can't charm speak her to stop because Chiron says we can't use our powers.

Kelly pushes me up against a locker.

"Hey little baby Piper!

I guess your mom couldn't stand you so she left!

I don't blame her, though I bet she is a slut!

Where is that fake boyfriend of yours, oh wait he probably left!"she says.

When she insulted my mother I snapped.

"Shut up Kelly! Shut up!

Who do you think you are to insult me!?

I am a million stronger and I am more loved than you!

Everybody hates you so why do you act like you are popular!

Do you know who I am?

I am Piper McLean, daughter of Tristan McLean and Aphrodite!

I am the defeater of countless monsters!

I am the girlfriend of Jason Grave and friends with Percy Jackson!

Now leave me alone!" I screamed.

Everybody ran away and I walked to my car so I could go back to Camp.


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