Human! Male! Darkrai x Feamle! Reader Oneshot

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Requested by: Litssarah

Image above is the base of what he looks like, but slightly different. Also, in this Newmoon island will be much bigger. It will have a huge forest, and It will also have a town called Newmoon Town.

It had been seven weeks since Newmoon Town had started to get horrible nightmares. Every single night, every person that fell asleep would have terrible nightmares. At first the town had thought that it was a coincidence, but after the first week of everyone having nightmares, the town knew something was the cause of it.

The nightmares were terrifying beyond belief. And because of them, people normally only got an hour or two of sleep, if that. Some people even chose not to sleep until they finally passed out because of exhaustion. And because of the lack of sleep, the townspeople were on edge. Fights would break out, people would be rude and mean to each other, some people would even just pass out in the street.

Now, after seven weeks, the town has finally discovered what was causing their problems. The police and some other volunteers had been searching for what it could be, and have discovered what it was. A Pokémon, hiding in Newmoon Forest, had been causing the nightmares. After this discovery, the police had hired a group of talented trainers to go into the forest to defeat and capture the Pokémon. I was one of the trainers hired.


The search had been going on for three days, and neither I nor any other trainer had found a thing. It was difficult to even search because of how dense the forest was, and how many Pokémon live there. Today was the fourth day of the search, and they decided to switch up the search teams.

"For the past three days," Sheriff Lockwood said loudly to the group of trainers standing in front of him. "We have had you searching in teams of two to four. Now, we have decided to bring that number down to one." After he said that, the trainers around me started to talk quietly amongst themselves, some worried about the danger, others excited to be alone. "You will each be assigned a section of the forest to search. You will also be given a flare to send up when you've found the Pokémon or run into trouble so trainers nearby can come help. The red flare is if you need helps, the black is if you find the Pokémon. Line up and you will be given your supplies."

I walk over to one of the five lines that was giving out supplies. One of the trainers behind me tapped my shoulder as I was waiting. "Hey, I'm Blanc, nice to meet you!" He said loudly. He had short blue hair, green eyes, and seemed nice, so I greeted him back. "Hey, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you too." I reply sweetly. "So, don't you think it's a bit dangerous going into the forest alone, with a possibly very dangerous Pokémon?" He says.

"A little, but I'm not too worried. I've got my Luxray with me, plus we also the flares." I say confidently. "Good point. Your Luxray's a pretty useful Pokémon since it can see through stuff easily." Blanc says smiling. "My Staraptor strong too! He can fly overhead and look for stuff." Blanc and I talked for a few more minutes before we received out stuff.

"What's your name?" The person handing out equipment said. "Y/N L/N." I said. "Okay, here's the area you're assigned to," She says, giving me a map of the forest with a red square marking which part of the forest I was in. "And here's your flares. Red if you need help, block if you've found the Pokémon." She says as she hands me the flare gun, one red, and one black flare. "Thank you." I say as I walk off.

I wimp for a minute as Blanc receives his equipment. "Hey, was section did you get?" He says as he runs over to were I was standing, waving his map around. "I haven't checked yet." I say say as I look at my map. The red square was right in the middle of the forest. "Right in the middle of the forest." I say. "What about you?" "Near the North border of the forest." Blanc says. "Darn, we're not near each other." I smile and pat his shoulder. "It's fine, we can still walk to my area together, and talk some more after today's search." "Yeah." He says.

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