Such a Shame

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"What a terrible idea, doctor" i remember him saying "leaving behind lives just to cure a disease? You must be mad" I remember getting mad at him, which might have proved his point to a degree. I'd practically given up on medicine and moved on to genetic studies once F-9 broke out, and everyone in every field was working on some kind of cure that didn't involve my ideas

Look where i am now, hunkered up in a dark office, watching the world burn from a tv. That man is probably dead now, which is a shame. I'd laugh if it wasn't psychotic to laugh at dead people, i'm sure his loved ones are mourning his death by now...that's if they're still alive too. I rub my face with my hands, groaning through my mask. The mirror in front of me reflects my bloodshot eyes, early signs of F-9, and at that moment i weighed my options. I could let myself, along with everyone else in this quarantined building, slowly watch themselves become worse and worse until their inevitable death...


I take my gas mask off and step out of the office. I could hear computerised voices all around me, "outbreak, evacuation in process" "please gather at the nearest muster station immediately". Chaos, but i didn't feel panicked. I was either going to die later, or not, and I didn't mind either ending. Dead bodies sat in bags in each of the rooms, but i tried to keep my eyes away from the rooms.

Finally, i found myself in my cold laboratory at the bottom of the building. Holding containers of my samples that took years to create, to self replicate, to destroy and replace, to protect. I didn't get too many subjects to test it on...but i guess i have no choice anymore. I take a crowbar, then drive it into the side of the glass tubes, letting out the white substance all along the floors and the wall, with some splattering onto my hand. The substance detects the organic material, and instantly starts to replicate, spreading along my hand and up my arm. I take off my lab coat to watch the latex-like substance travel up my body, surrounding me in the warm feeling. I close my eyes as it covers my face

When i open my eyes, i let out a breath. I feel my arm up, now replaced by a white fur. I find myself smiling for the first time in months. Just like that, i'm safe from humanities extinction. I watch the substance spread into the vents and drains around the room, to spread around the quarantine building. I couldn't help but laugh at myself at that moment, saving destroying it

I open the door which leads out onto the balcony. There's still riots going on, but they won't last for long. I considered throwing the latex into the crowd and watching the resulting chaos, but i held myself back. I am a doctor, not a mad scientist.

A few hours passed. I made some quick modifications to my mask, now having to fit the ears now placed on the top of my head. I'm about to go back to my office when i run into a latex wolf, which had taken the same shape as me, perhaps as a way of mimicking me. Instead of white, however, it was an inky black. It gave me a tilt of its head, while i could only imagine who this creature used to be "any humans you find, convert them" i tell it, placing my hands in my coat pockets. He's about to leave before i catch his attention once more. I throw him a small, white mask that i used during my initial testing and modelling of the latex "put it over your face, it'll give you some personality"

Days pass, the riots stop. The world outside is peacefully quiet. I find myself standing on the balcony again, my furred paws in my coat pockets. I bring out my finger and a robin flies to perch itself on the furred finger. I can already notice F-9's signature black markings on the tips of it's feathers. It tweets, preening itself, before being quickly swallowed by the latex that is my body and assimilated into a small latex bird. It shakes it's head, then flaps it's wings a few times, flying off in search for more things to turn into latex.

According to one of those black wolf drones, they caught a human from outside and placed him into stasis on one of the upper floors. Apparently, he has no signs of F-9, which is something notable. I mark down a few of his details on a clipboard, before weighing my options once again. There's a high likelihood he'll try to find his way out of this quarantine building, even if there's still a high likelihood he'll end up turning himself into one of the many different latex animals around the building. Hell, he might even befriend one. I have heard there are a few creatures here that have kept their humanity, especially a certain larger black wolf drone that calls himself Puro.

This job of mine is going to get very interesting...very soon

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