A trip to remember

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Chapter 1:

I zip up the zip as freya, Sam, nicole and Inesse come in laughing. Sam is nearly about to fall over in tears, having a super weird moment as she always does.

As I pull my bag onto the wheels everything goes silent and then freya calls out, arc ward silence,' then we all can't stop ourselves as we crack our selfs up.

In the background we can hear my mum in the telling us to hurry up. I know everyone might think there mum is annoying but mine is seriously really annoying, I know she means well and I would probably be complaining if she didn't annoy me but shes always asking me about my homework and my social life, which i'm not going to talk about.

Although I will mention that I'm totally over my last boyfriend Sam. I won't go into that, except that I have known him since a little tween and then we went out for five months then we broke up and became good friends.

Anyway we put all the stuff in the boot of the bus, by the way Freya's dad, Gary owns a little mini purple bus. Then we sat down, this was going to be a long trip, actually about 10 hours.

And already ten minutes into the drive freya calls out, 'I need to go to the toilet,' at first nobody listened and then she repeated the same thing again except shouting and then the bus turned all quiet as Sam let out a long fart as if it was rehearsed to be that loud and long then everyone cracked up laughing.

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