Part 3: Hunting

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Moonfall arrived soon. You hadn't slept too much from the excitement of becoming a prehuntress. That being a huntress in training. Your mother, Accalia, was teaching you how to hunt today. You nudged her until she woke at moonfall, and she was soon ready to leave.
"Can't we get a snack before we leave?" You asked.
"That's why we're hunting. Come on."

She ran into the forest. You closely followed her to a small stream a fair way away from the pack. You both stopped to drink. You had never been this far away from the packgrounds before. The water tasted just like the water from the stream in the pack, however.
"Where are we?" You asked.
"This stream marks the edge of our territory. Y/N, you must promise you will never fight another wolf over this mark. The gods have commanded us to only fight to defend or hunt over this point. Great Fenrir himself gave us this order."
"I won't mother." You replied.
"We have hunting to do over this border though." She said as she ran off. You followed for another while until you reached the clearing. Your mother began to whisper to you as she watched the small rabbits hop about the clearing.
"Now I will show you how to hunt. Stay directly behind your prey so it's facing away. Keep your head and body close to the ground and quietly sneak up on your prey and then launch into it. Lash at it's throat until it's dead. I'll demonstrate."

She did exactly as she had explained. The rabbits all fled to the other side of the clearing as she returned with a rabbit hanging from her mouth. She dropped it and turned to you.
"Your turn."

You crept round to the other side of the clearing, where all the rabbits were. They were stupid animals, as they had let their guard down and were grazing on the grass again. You kept your eyes locked on a rabbit facing to the side. You guessed it was fine as it wasn't facing towards you. Creeping slowly and about to pounce, you steadied yourself. You heard something whisper into your ear,
Behind, stay behind it, not beside it.
You sat up, turning your head to try and see who, or what, had made the noise and spoken to you. All the rabbits ran into the shadows of the trees.
Now look what you've done!
A second voice spoke into your other ear. Your mother ran up behind you, seeing you react at nothing.
"What was that about! You scared them all off! I did certainly not show you to do this!" She said angrily.
"Sorry mother. Someone whispered something to me and I didn't know who."
"I was watching and there was no one near you."
"I heard someone though!"
"Then you were imagining it. We should return to the pack. Best not to anger the gods." She said as she ran off, giving you a glare. On the run back you continued to hear the voices. Deciding to try and speak back, you began to say to them,
"Who are you and how can I hear you?"
"Me?" The first voice began, "I am Thor Odinson."
The second voice added,
"And I am Loki Laufreyson."
Loki and Thor! You thought. You're Nordic gods!
"Why have you chosen to speak to me?" You asked.
"Why Y/N, I thought you would have realised you are different. You hold the gifts of your gods, and you were chosen to be guided by us." Thor answered.
"You are the Bloodmoon wolf." Loki added.

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