Chapter 22 - Even more Date Nerves

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Black or red? Long or medium length?

Had Rose even expressed a preference in the first place?

Kate slung the two dresses she had been holding over a nearby chair and held her head in her hands as she paced back and forth in front of the mirror in her bedroom. While Bean had done a good job of calming her date nerves, the task of trying to decide the best outfit for her date turned out to be maddening.

Her memory flashed back to the conversation she and Rose had the other day and her brain conjured up a mental image of Rose in a nurse costume. Of course, the Rose in her fantasy was beckoning her with a sly grin. She cursed her imagination for shattering what little focus she'd had remaining. Her mental list of pros and cons of her outfit options evaporated in favor of memories of Rose. Her smile, her scent, the way she chuckled when she was pleased.

At the current rate she might as well just flip a coin and get it over with.

After an unsuccessful effort to refocus her thoughts she did just that. She ended up with the medium-length red dress. Her mind was abuzz with worries as she put it on, recalling all sorts of little snippets she'd read in magazines of dubious journalistic merit. Red is a bold color that will get you noticed, but not everyone can handle the intensity. She usually didn't pay any mind to such opinions, so why now?

She stripped off the red dress and put on the black one instead. As soon as it was on she was pelted with more unbidden mental commentary. Don't wear black to your first date. It'll make them nervous because it's a funeral color. She dug further, trying to unearth some positivity. Black is classy, timeless and suits every situation. That was better. However, her brain wasn't done. Black is an overdone and unimaginative color. Besides, short cuts don't look good on anyone a day over twenty.

At this rate she was starting to feel that the red one would be better after all. She changed dresses again. When she had finished she placed her arms on her hips and took a deep breath.

Okay. Time for round two. She turned around and inspected herself in the mirror. The dress showed a fair bit of her back. Don't overdo it on the first date, said the voice in her mind. Save some surprises for subsequent dates or they'll lose interest. She narrowed her eyes at the mental voice. The black dress was the short one, so why couldn't she seem to win? Red is the color of passion. Was she ready for passion? It wasn't like Rose would be able to see much of her legs on a dinner date, did that mean that the open back of the red dress was inappropriate and she was better off going with the black one after all?

Kate groaned in frustration as her phone beeped loudly. Only upon inspecting it did she remember that she had set an alarm to avoid running late for her date.

No time to change her mind now. She set course for Rose's hotel, trying to stay calm.

Kate arrived five minutes early, having walked faster than she expected. She glanced around the hotel lobby as she waited for Rose to appear. The red carpeting did its best to appear fancy, but didn't quite convince when paired with the drab, olive-colored walls. Probably like herself, she realized with a shudder. Before her brain could elaborate on that line of thought, however, Rose appeared.

Kate almost yelled. Rose was wearing a loose t-shirt and grey slacks, not at all like her stylish work clothes. And not at all like Kate. The date was a mess before it even had properly started.

"Hey," Rose smiled. "You look great." She glanced down at herself and a sheepish grin spread across her face. "Sorry I'm not wearing anything nicer, I didn't exactly expect a date when I packed my suitcase."

"I'm not sure if there's any restaurant in the world suited for this combination," Kate mumbled.

Rose shrugged. "If you're worried about standing out, we could head up to my room and order takeout. If that's all right with you of course."

"Isn't that rather odd for a date?" Kate looked down and wrung her hands. She didn't want to disappoint Rose by throwing the plan off track. Even if Rose had made the suggestion, she might still prefer dining at an actual restaurant. She startled when she felt a warm sensation on her shoulder, only realizing after a moment that it was Rose's hand.

"Sorry, did I startle you? That wasn't my intent." Rose withdrew her hand but Kate reached for it and placed it back on her shoulder. Once she realized what was going on she didn't mind.

"It's okay. I'm just not great with touch if I'm not prepared," Kate admitted, an apologetic smile on her face. Or if they were very close, like her parents. Besides, they made such big movements that she had plenty of visual warning.

"Okay. So, back to the topic of the night's plans. Takeout, or taking me out?" Rose grinned. "I know that staying here probably sounds boring to you, but we could rent a trashy movie on the hotel TV. I also rather like the idea of having you all to myself."

Kate felt her heartbeat speed up and her cheeks grow hot. Rose sure didn't mess around when it came to flirting. Spending the evening in Rose's room was becoming more tempting by the second, and best of all Rose seemed to have no problem with that course of action.

"Yes, I think I'd like that. Spending the evening in your room, I mean." Her voice came out much softer than usual. She wondered for a moment if Rose had heard her, but the broad smile on her face left no doubt about that.

Rose moved to take her hand, before she stopped herself mid-motion. "Is it okay if we hold hands while I show you the way?"

Kate nodded, sporting the broadest smile she could remember in a long time.

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