Chapter 41 - It's the Little Things

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Kate's next date with Rose took place a few days after the previous one.

They had decided on making it a cinema date and ended up watching an animated film because it was the only movie running that night which did not revolve around doom and gloom. Rose was practically glowing as they emerged from the movie theater, empty popcorn containers in hand to be discarded in the bin at the end of the carpeted exit hallway.

"That was surprisingly fun," Rose commented. "I wasn't aware that kids' movies had come this far."

Kate chuckled. "Technically I think it was more of a family movie. There were plenty of jokes thrown in that only an older audience would pick up on."

"True, true." Rose nodded her agreement as she plucked Kate's empty container out of her hands. Then she discarded both as they walked past the rubbish bin. "I suppose it brings in more of the parents."

Kate walked Rose back to the train station, where they parted ways with a hug and a kiss.

One more date grew into several more, punctuated by month-long breaks during which they had to settle for video calls instead. While Kate started out dreading them she soon learned which area of her screen her web cam recorded, and consequently how to keep any magically levitating objects out of the shot. It become second nature sooner than she expected. Occasionally, Kate caught a flight to the city where Rose was presently observing and they went sightseeing together.

Months turned into half a year. Then one year. While they had grown quite used to each other at this point Rose still retained the ability to flirt to the point where Kate's face turned bright red.

They were discussing Rose's whereabouts for the next week, because she once again was coming to observe at Kate's hospital. Kate had done a lot of thinking lately and had come to a decision, so when Rose brought up her hotel reservation Kate stopped her.

"That won't be necessary. You could stay at my place," Kate suggested.

Given how close she had grown to Rose she couldn't justify keeping her secret any longer. It still had her plenty nervous, sure, but at this point she also thought herself to have a fairly good understanding of Rose's thought processes. Her guess was that she would be mad or disappointed initially, but most likely come around after a while. Still, the possibility of being mistaken made her stomach churn. She did her best to not linger on that thought.

"Oh, really?" The glee in Rose's voice was unmistakable to Kate at this point. "I'd love to."

Soon came the day where Kate picked Rose up at the airport. Their greeting consisted of the usual hug and a kiss that seemed to grow longer for each time they met. Rose's flight had been a late one, so the sun had already set and their actual date wouldn't take place before the next day. Even so, Kate looked forward to spending a calm evening with Rose.

"I can't wait to get a proper look around your place," Rose beamed. "Last time I was too focused on the situation to really take note."

Kate chuckled nervously and rubbed her chin. "Don't set your hopes too high. Mari keeps telling me how dreary it is, so we almost exclusively meet up at her house."

Rose took Kate's hand and gave it a light squeeze. "Doesn't change the fact that it's my favorite surgeon's home."

The line was as cheesy as ever, but at this point it was turning into Rose's catchphrase. Kate couldn't help grinning in response.

When they arrived at Kate's apartment the curtains were drawn as always. Kate hurriedly hit the light switch and hoped Rose wouldn't comment on the fact.

"You weren't lying when you told be to keep my hopes down. It really is plain in here. Though a few more decorations could go a long way in changing that," Rose commented. She turned to Kate with a sly smile. "If you'd like I'd be more than happy to advise you on that end. Having stayed in as many hotels as I do you develop a sense for what works and what doesn't."

Rose turned her head, then she froze and kept staring in that direction. Kate followed her gaze, where her cellphone was levitating toward the living room table. A golden glow surrounded the phone. She silently cursed herself. Being so excited about Rose she hadn't remembered to suppress her usual habit. Not how she had planned to broach the topic of magic.

"Kate, is that-" Rose didn't finish her own sentence. Too stunned, probably, because no one was interrupting her.

Kate sighed heavily. Her phone made a gentle landing on the table. She motioned to the couch. "Why don't we sit down for a moment?"

Rose silently did as instructed. She was still staring at the phone, almost as if she believed that the glow would reappear if she stared hard enough.

"I'm sorry." Kate heaved another sigh. "I've been meaning to tell you, but I had to make sure you wouldn't use the fact against me. Actually, I'm not just sensitive to magic." She bit her lip to distract herself from the feeling of nausea that was welling up within her. "I'm also a witch."

Blinking several times, Rose opened her mouth, but only to shut it again in the end. The process repeated two more times before she finally produced actual sound. "Back then... I was actually right about you? And Mari played me for a fool?"

Kate shifted uncomfortably and rubbed the back of her neck. "It's not like she was outright lying to you. She's also a witch. I was canceling patients because you were getting close to the truth. Very sick patients. It was extremely stressful. I understand if you're angry with me. Just... please don't hate me. I love you."

"I'm sorry Kate, but this is too sudden." Rose frowned. "I can't give you an answer right now. I'll need to sleep on it."

"O-of course," Kate mumbled. "If you prefer I can take the couch and you can borrow my bed."

"I think I'd like that," Rose said.

They didn't speak much for the rest of the evening. Kate whipped up a simple meal for them and then Rose requested to be left alone with her thoughts, so Kate went to prepare the bedroom for Rose.

Once she was done she let Rose in and tried to distract herself by browsing the internet on her phone. Even though Rose was having the expected reaction, the notion that she might have miscalculated and Rose would come to hate her caused her to feel sick to her stomach.

Even so, she forced herself to wait for the next day.

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