a tag because ive never been tagged before

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Okay so one. Who tagged me? lilsquishes   which is pretty cool because they like my stuff and I like theirs, yeah I read your soulmate au and let me just say.... good job friend!! It deserves all the reads that its gotten. You've worked hard!!

The second rule is that you have to do this within 3 days and well today is day three so I'm cutting it prettttyyy close huh?

Three is where we pick up here, 10 things about yours truly. 

     --I took one, single semester, creative writing class in high school, and somehow finished it with a B+ despite having never finished a single story or assignment.

     --I won got to the semi finals in an international poetry competition in 8th grade and was published as editors choice in some book that I never bothered to buy.

     --I am from small town Ohio where the humans are made of corn, Christianity, and drugs.  

     --I am elderly. I'm 21 and the amount that I feel 21 is zero.

     --I am an absolutely atrocious speller, in fact I spelled a least two of the words in this sentence wrong.

     --BTS is my first stan and Min Yoongi is my lord and savior as well as my cause of death, and if you can keep a secret, Jk is climbing up my bias list at a very rapid pace. Other than BTS I'm actually more into the rappers, Gaeko, Tiger JK, Yankee, Grey ect.

     --I am "artsy" I write, I draw, I paint, I sculpt, I'm not an awful singer and I'm a little worse at rapping, and I can not dance.

     --Before I got into Kpop I was super into "pop-punk" and "post hardcore"' ie. All Time Low, Mayday Parade,  Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon ect. and there was no transition, I found BTS and now I'm stuck in the kpop trap.

     --I dig the animes. My favorite of all time is BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad and like no one ever knows it so if you know it then hey hi lets be best heckin friends.

     --I have a total of three real life friends and two of them are sisters, both of which I've know for 11ish years now and both are beta readers for me most of the time, and one of them left me to live 18 hours away and breaks my heart daily. Their family is my family and I love them dearly. The other one is an asshat.

Next is to tag 28 people but thats not happening because I only know one and they tagged me so yeah :) Hi friend. 

Tell A Joke; Okay okay, if you insist. What do you call a huge pile of cats??.................... a MEOWtain.

Now the good part, a spoiler for one of my stories. I only have one being published here so I will do that one, but just so you know, I have another in the works right now. Also a BTS fanfic, and its a post apocalyptic gang AU and I'll tell you now that Hobi is a bad ass. But without farther delay, a spoiler for Attempt.

So honestly I have very very little planned out for this fic in all honesty, but first off, the description right know says Seoul, but that will be changed in the next update because realistically, Seoul is quite far from both Gwangju and Daegu, so a little bit of research brought me to change it to Baemsagol Valley, which is right in the middle of the two places. This is Yoongis choice as a unspoken beacon that he is more than willing "meet in the middle" if you know what I mean. With that being said Baemsagol Valley is for hiking and that is exactly what they both shall do. Yoongi will go to Baemsagol Valley Course and walk half way up the trail and the break of dawn and park his butt there, hoping that his other will come and just hoping that they wont somehow miss one another. Not much of a spoiler I know, but I'll give you a tiny bit more. Everyone is part of a pair in this world right, but you do not know the others others yet, well you know Tae and Namjoon are soulmates but what about the rest?? Here ya go;

Yoongi+Hobi - Namjoon+Tae - Jimin+Joonhee - Jk+Dawon (Hoseok's sister if you didnt know) 

and Jin's isnt figured out yet.

Now heres the big thing okay; I HAVE NO IDEA HOW IM GOING TO MAKE THEM KNOW THAT THE OTHER IS THEIR SOULMATE!!!!!!!!! I have no clue how I am going to make it so that Yoongi and Hoseok realize that the other is their other!

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