Chapter One: The Start of Everything

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  The day started out like any other normal Sunday. Running three miles with Dad, then drinking coffee at the cafe near the mall with Mom, and after that sending many emails to my friends. Everything was perfect. Until that night, when we got the first warning. It showed up on our television screen, saying that their was an urgent message from the President. The screen went black for a second, then our current President, Carlos Williams, was shown, sitting at his desk in the White House:  

                      "Citizens of the United States. It has come to out attention that a zombie outbreak has come across America. We think that this was caused by the terrible sickness we witnessed this past month. I advise that you stay indoors. Board up your windows, make sure you have supplies, and keep a weapon at an accessible place at all times. But most importantly, don't panic, and don't go outside for any reason what-so-ever. For the sake of America, for the sake of the United States, and for the sake of the World, please stay safe. Thank you, and good luck to you all." 

  Then that was it. Dad shut off the t.v and started to prepare. He quickly gathered up wood and started boarding up our windows, while Mom made sure we had enough supplies and a dew weapons. Me? I just sat their on the couch, my gaze frozen where the President was just talking, telling us that the world was basically ending and that their wasn't anything that he can do about it. My parents then started fighting, arguing about what was best for us; staying here, or moving from town to town. They decided that we should stay here for the night, and if the streets are zombie-free tomorrow, we can leave this town.

  The rest of the day was silent. Everyone was scared to make a noise, just in case one of the undead was around to hear. When night finally fell, I laid in my bed, scared to sleep. Scared that if I made a slight noise, such as a sneeze, I wouldn't only risk my life, but the lives of my parents as well. So there I lay, staring at the ceiling with no emotion on my face. My parents were already asleep, but the thoughts of possibly dying in next few weeks scared me to the fact that I couldn't sleep a wink.

  My head slightly perked up at the sound of low growls and snarls outside my bedroom window. I slowly got up out of my bed and crept to the window, and as soon as I looked out, I froze in fear. A swarm of the undead were making their way down the street, some limping, some crawling, and others stopping to get the leftovers of all the humans that were once alive, but now dead. The only light that shown throughout the street was the orange aura off of the street lights, and the slight glow of the full moon. I slowly crept back from the window, and was praying to God that they didn't see me; but God must not like me, because once I turned around to head out of my bedroom door, my alarm clock started blaring throughout my room.

  Unfortunately for me, my bedroom window was open, and when I looked back out the window, the swarm of zombies (and all of the others around the area) were already looking at me. Their red eyes glowed with determination as they started running, or in their case limping very fast, to my house. Their growls were the only thing I heard as I raced out of my room and into my parents room. I  roughly tapped them, until they lifted there head and rubbed their tired eyes.

   "What's going on, Sport?" My father asked as he and my mother sat up.

  "We need to leave, right now! They're here, the zombies. They heard my alarm clock ring and now they are on their way to this house." I blurted out, my face mirroring my parent's faces, which is now laced with fear and horror. 

  My parents raced out of bed and down the stairs, me following in suit. They started gathering their weapons, handing me a duffel bag and a riffle. They didn't tell me what it was for, they just pushed me to the back door. I was confused for several moments, but when they pushed me out the door and I realized they weren't coming out with me, I finally got what they were doing. They are telling me to go. To run off and to stay away from the chaos, and that they aren't coming with. Tears started to cloud my vision as they pulled me into a hug, my father kissing my forehead.

  "Sweetheart, I think you know what's happening right now. Just know that we love you, and we are sorry that it has to be like this." My mother said softly, rubbing my arm.

  "This is so stupid. W-why can't y-you come with? I mean we h-have enough time for all of us to get out of h-here." I said, stuttering due to my lip quivering.

  "Listen, Sport. If we all go, the zombies will be sure to follow us, and we'll all end up dead. Your mother and I are just a distraction so you can get out of here and to a safe place. Plus, you're sixteen, you have your whole life ahead of you. We are in our early 40's, our life is about done anyway. It's better us than you." My father said with a small smile.

  Tears filled all of our eyes, and when my parents nodded their heads, and I heard the front door and windows break down, I knew it was time to go. So I took out my flashlight and backed into the woods, slightly seeing the shadows of my parents try and fight off the zombies. After a couple of seconds, I turned and ran. As I got deeper into the woods, I could hear the screams of my parents demise. The tears that I wedged back into my eyes soon spilled out and down my face. I couldn't see, I couldn't hear correctly. All I could think about was my now deceased parents, and how I'll never see them again.

  Everything went into slow motion as I ran into something hard, fell and hit my head off a rock that laid out across the ground. As my vision blurred, I could faintly see the outline of a pair of shoes, before I slowly went into unconsciousness, my parents screams still fresh in my mind.

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