I don't play nice with prettyboy gingers

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The serpents and I walk up to Jones' trailer so we can tell him the next task when we see an altercation going on between him and Archie. I glare at the ginger as he tells Jughead his girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with him. Talking all high and mighty when we've all seen him get down and dirty. Hypocrite.

After Jughead receited the laws last night it's our job to perform the final task. Jump him in.

Sweet Pea interrupts the pompous northsider.
"-If he survives and go ahead and call us thugs one more time."
"That face won't look so pretty anymore." I threaten the ginger sending him a deathly glare. They bicker for a while longer until Archie storms off.
"Enjoy the show?" Jughead asks us scornfully. Pea smirks.
"The show hasn't even started yet."


It's pitch black outside, our only illumination coming from the motorbikes parked around. I stand next to Toni and watch Jughead get pounded by the serpents. Mickey stands in my arms, Vince stupidly brought him along to this bloodbath. I wince at the thumping noise accompanying each brutal hit and think back to when Pea got jumped in-holy god I almost hurled. Of course I had to do the serpent dance which now seems like a walk in the park.

Jughead stumbles his way towards Pea-looking a complete wreck. The brass knuckles encasings Sweet Pea's hands give me shivers as they gleamed in the moonlight. I can feel Jughead's heart thumping as Pea's fist drew back, my own jackhammering uncontrollably inside my chest. I wince on impact-hearing the vomit inducing sound of metal to skin contact. I turn away for a minute to calm down and turn back to see Jughead shaking hands with Pea. I grin as we welcome a new serpent and try to send Jughead a smile.

I follow him back to his trailer with Toni so we can patch him up. The boys are all heading to the wyrm for the traditional after jump on drink but I can tell this boy needs serious medical attention. I bring Mickey with me because I'm not leaving him in the care of Vince ever again.
"Willl I end up like him when I join the serpents Vi?" I sigh, unsure whether I should hit him with hard truths after just witnessing that spectacle.
"Don't worry Vince they went extra hard on him because he's part Northsider. Yours will be better." I'm happy with my half lie, if the boys don't go a little easy on him they'll have me to answer to. Mickey looks relieved to say the least, sometimes I wonder if he's too good to be a serpent. But if guys like Jughead can do it maybe Mickey will be alright. I ruffle his hair and fetch some Advil from the kitchen draw.

"Just what the doctor ordered Mr Jones." I step in the room with the promised pills and some water then hand then to Jughead.
"Thanks, Violet." I nod back to him.
"You're one of us now snake prince. Woo!" I pump my fist in the air and cheer for the injured boy. I flash him a wide smile as Vince makes the face he always makes when I'm a little drunk-I'm sorry she's not this loud usually.

"Let's get home Vi." Mickey says whilst pulling my arm.
"K baby let's bounce!"


I make my way to science with Jug until I see Jughead's friend Archie frantically grab his arm. I whip my head to the boy as does Jughead.
"Jug! Jug! We gotta go right now!"
"What the hell are you doing here? Betty asked you to throw salt in the wound?"
"I don't think that's it J." I say warily as I see incoming through the front doors.
"Mayor McCoy's about to raid Southside High we gotta get you out of here right now come on." He tugs on Jughead's arm-his words becoming truth before my very eyes. I bolt as fast as I can out the back door, my mind going blank-only concentrating on getting out because if I stop earning Mickey stops learning, I can't go to jail.

I spot Vince running with me and we exchange looks. We both know where we're heading. Anywhere but school. Because a lot of students might not have anything to hide but if they drug test us the results would not be in our favour.
"Home." I rasp out to which Vince manages a half nod. So home is where we head.


I'm sitting at home playing blackjack with Vince when I hear an unnecessarily aggressive knock at the door. We stare at each other for a while until the noise irks me enough to force myself off the couch to answer it. I swing open the door to see none other than Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews at my doorstep.

"Who is it?" Vince yells from the front room.
"Come see for yourself lazy but!" I yell back causing Archie to look more uncomfortable than before.
"What can I do for you two?" Jughead awkwardly shifts as he explains.
"Alot of the serpents are in jail currently and Tallboy wanted to have a discussion with me, since you're more experienced of a serpent I was hoping maybe you could come help." I feel sorry for this poor boy. The fate of the serpents was in his hands and he only joined like last night. Taking pity on him I decide to help, Tallboy is a jerk and nobody should have to go that alone.

"Sure why not as long as your friend doesn't talk to me, like at all." I warn glaring at Archie. He may have helped once when his best friend was in trouble but he's still just another privileged Northside joke.
"Ugh sure." I don't even know why this kid is here when this is serpent business.
"Let me get my jacket. Two minutes." I say as I rush back in the trailer.
"I'm going out I'll be back later!" I tell Vince as I leave, I hear him say something behind which I assume was okay. I pull out a lighter and a joint I found in my pocket and begin to get blazed. It wasn't very strong only about 0.2g but weed is weed I guess, I chose not to get too bogged down with the ever growing list of strains.

"You don't mind right Jug?"
"No but Archie might."
"Well then he can leave because he isn't a serpent and he's no friend of mine." Archie is looking quite red at this point, from embarrassment or anger I'm unsure, but lord is it funny.
"Can you tell Violet I'm sorry for the violence I caused, but it was both parties." I flip on him.
"My boyfriend didn't have a gun. No snakes stabbed themselves in the leg to feign innocence. So don't hit me with that backhanded apology Mr.Andrews."

The rest of the journey is silent.


Sorry I'm a bit late but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you're excited for Riverdale season three coming out next month oml I can't wait🎉🎉🎉 vote if you enjoyed!

XOXO Haden

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