Bomb Squad

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It was hard, but manageable, to be in S.E.P. You were required to be out of your room by 7 o clock and take whatever meds were delivered to your room. Breakfast ended at 8 o clock. After breakfast everyone was required to take 1 physical every day. The doctors checked up with you, pumped the 'special stuff' into your blood stream, and reattached your coils for the day. Missions happened more often then you think, but hardly ever in the middle of the day. At the base was a soldier lounge where everyone would congregate after their physicals. It wasn't very exciting. There was a tv complete with an older looking couch. A pool table. A chess table and a small work out space. Water fountains were located in several spots in the base. Soldiers were required to drink at least 2 gallons of water a day. Even If the doctors had to pump it into their stomachs. You had to be careful not to get into a fight. Everyone knows that if your coils break or come off you would die. The 'special stuff' pumped into each soldier slows their heart rate. The coils make sure your blood still moves through your body normally. Every soldier was also required to have at least one hour of traiining per day, whether it be lifting weights or working on combat, it was a requirement. Gabriel had just woken up. He looked over to the digital clock on his nightstand. It read 18:00. He rolled over rubbing his head and grunting.

"I woke up way too early."

Seeing as he couldn't go back to sleep he turned his alarm off and hobbled out of bed. He put on sweat pants and threw a hoodie over his head. A small slit in the wall opened and a sweet voice spoke.

"Soldier 24. Your medication has arrived."

He looked behind him to see a small cup filled with a clear green substance. It was filled to the top and a cup of water sat next to it. He walked over and stared at the liquid in disgust. Gabriel quickly shook his head and took a sip of the substance. Quickly taking it from his lips he nearly fell over. He gagged and coughed into his arm. Looking back down at the rest of the substance in the cup he shook his head and plugged his nose.

"Fuck it!"

He tilted his head back quickly downing the substance in the cup. His arm was thrown back and he chucked the cup across the room to the wall. Gabriel grabbed the cup of water and chugged it. When the cup was empty he sat on his bed begging for air.

"It's like their trying to kill me."

Gabriel cleaned up the mess and headed down to the cafeteria. There wasn't anyone there yet. He looked at the clock on the wall. 18:30. He sat down at one of the tables and waited patiently. To his surprise Jack came down next. Seeing Gabriel he sat down in front of him.

"Did you get that green stuff this morning too?"

Gabriel nodded.

"That shit was nasty."

Jack scratched the back of his head.

"I threw it up my first time today so they had to send another dose."

Gabriel chuckled.

"Where are you from again?"

Jack looked worried.

"I-I'd rather not say."

Gabriel smiled.

"Is it that embarrassing?" Gabriel said looking mischievous. "Now you have to tell me."

Jack was starting to get annoyed. He slammed his hand on the table.

"I don't have to tell you anything, Reyes."

Gabriel grin turned.

"Fair enough. How about this? Everytime you answer a question about yourself I have to tell you something about me. You can ask anything, but there are some things best left unsaid." Gabriel explained.

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