I Was Too Young

745 31 52

( Izuku Midoriya P.O.V )

'My first year of being at U.A is almost over!' I thought as a scanned the classroom.

As my eyes droned around to my friends and enemies, I spot the brightest light of them all.

(L/N) (Y/N). A girl where the word pretty or cute couldn't even compare to what she is. Her beautiful, wholesome aura completely captivates me. I stare in aw. I always get super nervous and fluttered around her. It's super embarrassing. She smells so nice all the time and her eyes twinkle in the light and,,,,

My eyes could not believe what they're seeing! (L/N) is waving at me!

' SHIT WHAT DO I DO?! smdhejsj' I panicked and waved back like a robot.

She giggled and turned to face Mr.Aiwaza teaching.

' What a close call!'

She always waves at me when she sees me staring. It's not creepy right? Well, she waves or says hi when Kacchan isn't looking.

Kacchan practically forced her to be his girlfriend but she eventually came to liking him.

It hurts.

It hurts a lot actually.

But seeing (L/N) happy makes me happy! I would never want to upset her.

I begin to day dream the day where I muster up the courage to have a conversation with (L/N), until Mr.Aiwaza breaks my train of thought.

" Oh yeah. One more thing. This container,"

he points to a see through plastic container,

" Within it holds your quirk bands for the dance for tomorrow. Please give them to whom ever you choose to go to the dance with and if they accept they will wear it." He zipped up his yellow sleeping bag, and with an apple sauce pouch in his mouth, fell asleep.

Iida starts to pass them out they're all so cool looking! Ochako has stars and planets on hers, Asui has frogs on hers, Kacchan has little mini explosions! I received mine, it was a green band with little red lighting strikes on the side.

I wonder if (L/N) would like it. Speaking of
(L/N) she's not at her seat. I look in front of me to see her giving her band to Kacchan. He takes it and doesn't give his band to her. Anyone can clearly see the disappointment in those (E/C) eyes.

It made me feel awful, knowing I could be better, but atlas, I cannot because of Kacchan.


The lunch bell rings. I walk towards Iida and ask where Ochako is.

" Gomen-Gomen! Let's go!!" She seemed energized and happy as she ran towards us from an opposite direction.

- skip to lunch table because i said so angry face-

At our table sat Iida, Todoroki, Asui, and Ochako.

Asui was the first to speak " Have you guys gave your bands out?"

" Momo gave me hers and I accepted and gave her mine. Does that count?" Todoroki asked in return while slurping his Soba.

" A OTP that has sailed!" Ochako fan girled.

" A wha-" Todoroki was cut off by Asui.

" Who did you ask Ochacko?" She questioned while having one finger on her lips.

" Err- You see- ah-um" Ochako repeatedly had her hands out or scratching her back " You'll see!" She repeated stuttered while red.

" I asked Kirishima Kero, he told me ' It would un-manly to decline a woman-ly offer" She giggled and ate some more.

" I was personally asked by Hatsume to go with her and I graciously accepted!" Iida spoke " She said she would love to test a "certain type of baby making method" with me!"

We all were shook.

" Who did you ask Midoriya?" Iida questioned.

" Me? Ah-" I look down at my band, " I'm waiting for when the time is right." I said with a small smile.

Ochako's and Asui's Ooooo's were heard followed by laughter.

- Skipper to the night times -

As I hopped onto my bed and before I immediately passed out I heard a faint

" It made her feel alone "


short intro chapter bitche s 😎👊🏼
i can see everyone commenting already
" why the fuck arent you finishing come find me again like angry face @ u "
give me time sheez
i like to have fun to :(

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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