Depressing lifes

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Max PoV

Seeing the cliff right in front of my eyes is heart braking

Burtha: I'm sorry it's all my fault she's gone

Max: no it's not she saved your life she's a hero

Burtha: she did save me but it is my fault I was gonna jump to end me if she didn't have grabbed my when I jumped I would be dead by now I'm sorry

Max: it's ok come here

Burtha came up to me and started crying

Burtha: s-she's *sob* gone *sob*

Max: we don't know that she always used to say she was a survivor soo we don't know she's survived through a lot

Burtha: ye we need to stay positive

Max: come on I'll take you home you must be cold

Burtha: thanks

I drove Burtha home

Max: here you go bye get some sleep

Burtha: thanks bye max

I drove away as I drove away I started to cry then I saw an image of her next to me I tried putting my hand on her shoulder it went straight through then there was a whisper in my ear " I love you max get some sleep love" am I going mental or do I just love ally too much now she's gone she will be stuck in meh head for eternity but I don't even think she's gone my mind just wants me to think it. I pull up at my house

Max: *sighs* me and ally used to have a lil kiss and then go in

Burtha PoV

I got out of the car and walked into my parents house


Burtha: *sobs* ally *sob* is *sniff* d- *sob* dead

My mum hugged me really tightly

Burthas mum: I'm so so so so sorry

I run off crying into my bedroom. I sit on my bed with my head in my knees crying the word 'why' ran through my head all night I didn't get any sleep at all

Burtha: I don't wanna go to school

I got ready and all that I was whyyyy too early

Burtha: I'm gonna go now mum bye

I slam the door and walk off is self misery

Max PoV

I was at school way too early this this is where me and ally would meet to check out social media's and take 'cute selfies' together as she would say it. Burtha walks up to me

Burtha: didn't get any sleep

Max: me neither i was looking at a picture of me and ally all night I miss her

Burtha: me too let's go to class

As we walk in to school I see a girl with her hood up in glasses on reading a book and her head low

Max: I'm sorry

???: oops sorry

Max: I'm max by the way

*who do you think she is whoooo*

Ally: I'm ally

She puts her head down and takes glasses off


I run up to her and hug her very tightly and we kiss

Mally: *kisses*

Max: I thought you was gone

Ally: what did I tell you, I'm a survivor

I laugh a bit and then Burtha steps forwards

Burtha: ally?

Ally hugs Burtha

Ally: I'm glad your safe

Burtha and max: I'm glad your ok

Max: how tho how are you here

Ally: so basically...

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