Attention !!

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For all my lovely readers..  Silent readers..  Active readers..  Sorry..  This story take a long time to update new episode.. 

Lepas ni author maybe update lambat..  Because..  I'm student..  Exam is just around the corner..  And the good news..  Author akan update triple episode..  So that cerita ni lambat update..  So sorry yah!!  Penat memerah idea..😣

To silent readers :

Author tak kesah you all nak jadi silent readers..  Yang penting korang vote and support cerita author..  Even dalam senyap..  I really appreciate it..  Thank you..

To active readers:

Thank you so much..  Selalu comment story ni..  Tegur mana yang salah..  Maybe you all ingat author tak baca comment korang..  Author baca actually..  Tapi tulah buzy.. Ade masa author reply..  Spread love for you!!
Yang pm author..  Sorry lambat reply.. 
Pliss faham author.. 

Yang remove cerita author dari library korang..  Honestly.. Author tak kesah.. 

NabielFea readers thank you so much!! 

Readers semua..  Author akan gelar korang..  Ziers..  Nice name??  Hahah..  Tak setuju boleh pm.. 

Love you all!!  Ziers!!😂

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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