Heart Flutters

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You quickly snap back to reality when Hyuna shakes you a bit to get your attention.
Hyuna: Hey Sam? You okay there?
You shake your head and look up at her.
You: Y-Yeah! I'm great.
She smiles and throws an arm over your shoulder.
Hyuna: Well come on! What are you waiting for?! We have to meet all my other friends!
Sam: All your what?
Hyuna: Come oooon!!
She drags you down the hallway and you take one more glance at the boy who makes your heart go boom boom.
He's taken off his blazer to reveal a silly sweater underneath.

He looks up and makes eye contact, but looks disappointed the fact you'repretty much being dragged away

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He looks up and makes eye contact, but looks disappointed the fact you'repretty much being dragged away.
Hyuna finally lets go of you. That is, by dropping you on the ground.
You: Oww!! Hey what's the big idea?!
Hyuna kneels down and grabs you by your collar.
Hyuna: I saw you looking at that boy  in there...
You: So?!
Hyuna: SO?! HE'S MINE!!
You: Wait WHAT?!
Hyuna smirks and drops you again. She puts her hands on her hips and puffs out her chest to make her look really confident.
Hyuna: *flips hair* of course! And a little newbie like YOU is not going ANYWHERE NEAR my man!! HOBI IS MINE!!
You: Prove it.
Hyuna: What..?
You: You heard me!! Go prove it!! Make him say that you are in fact dating. Until then, I'll look at him all I want.
Hyuna: Ugh! You're so annoying! Can't you just be grateful for what you have?!
You: Nope. Not until I get hobi that is...
You smirk and walk away, looking back and giggling at her dropped jaw.
You leave her in the hallway without batting an eye. You lay your hand on the door handle and turn it. The second you open it, Hobi's right on the other side. He smiles big and envelopes you in a hug.
Hobi: Why leave so soon?
His embrace is so warm and even though your heart feels like it's about to fall out, you feel safe in his arms. He smells really nice, but he's not wearing cologne or anything. It's just his unique smell that you feel like you crave. He lets go and you can't help but pout.
Hobi: Haha you're so cute! Aww all your cuuuuurls!!
He ruffles your hair and smiles, showing his dimples.
Hobi: You look like a little lion cub! Can I call you that?
You: Uhm...if you answer a question.
Hobi: Okay! I'm listening.
You: Are you....dating someone?
Hobi: Ohhhhh ahahahaha! That Hyuna girl's started another rumor hasn't she.
Shock is clear on your expression.
Hobi: Nope! I'm a single lady.
He laughs and starts dancing to single ladies.
You start laughing like a wind sheild wiper.
Hobi: Hey! That reminds me of my friend Jin! You should meet him some time!
You nod nervously. He smiles and gently grabs your hand.
Hobi: We can meet them right now if you want!
You: Oh okay. Lead the way!
He nods and walks you through the halls. When you both reach Hyuna and her little clique she's gathered, Hobi wraps his arms around you protectively and glares at the girls. He walks a bit faster to pass them.

You finally arrive at a classroom. Hobi opens the door and stands by to let you in first. What a gentleman.
ou walk in and see a couple more boys, all doing different things. The first one you notice is a boy reading at a table, kind of like Hobi but he's a lot more focused.

 The first one you notice is a boy reading at a table, kind of like Hobi but he's a lot more focused

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He lifts his head and smiles at you. Oh look he's got dimples too!

Nj: Hi! I'm Namjoon, nice to meet you!
Your eyes widen.
You: H-How do you know my name?
Nj: Oh, the professor told us about a new student arriving today.
He extends his hand and you shake it.
??: Wow. Looks like Namjoonie finally got a handshake!
You look over your and see a boy, doing last minute homework.

 Looks like Namjoonie finally got a handshake!You look over your and see a boy, doing last minute homework

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Jm: Hi, I'm Jimin. Nice to meet you Sammy.

He also extends his hand, and you grasp it, noticing how much smaller it is compared to Namjoons.
The sound of hysterical laughter startles you.
You glance at the two boys, sitting on the floor laughing.

You glance at the two boys, sitting on the floor laughing

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One clears his throat and looks at you.
Jk: I'm Jungkook. This is my friend Taehyung
Tae: You can call me Tae!
Their smiles are contagious so you end up smiling too.
??: Did you eat anything yet..? Breakfast is important!!

You: OH MY GOSH AHAHAHAHA! WHY ARE YOU EATING THAT? IT'S 8AM!Jin: I love me some food! No matter what time of day it is

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Jin: I love me some food! No matter what time of day it is. I'm Jin, by the way. I'll take care of you just like I take care of all 6 of these crazy boys.
You: 6? Including you?
Jk: No, including Suga Hyung!
You: Suga? I've never heard that name before...
Nj: Well, his name is Yoongi, but we all call him Suga.
You start looking around the room for him.
You: Where is he?
Jm: oh he's just sleeping. He's over there.
Jimin points across the room and you see a boy lying on the ground, fast asleep.

You open your mouth to say something but suddenly the door swings open and what feels like a million hands grab you and pull you out of the room

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You open your mouth to say something but suddenly the door swings open and what feels like a million hands grab you and pull you out of the room. All the boys jump up and gasp. They all try to run to you and get you back. They all scream different things as you're dragged away.
Tae: SAMMYYYYYYY!!!!!😭😭😭

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