Chapter One

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Walking down the familiar path was just as exciting as the first time.I couldn't even begin to count how many times I had made this journey to my safe place.My fingers twitched at the mere mention of books let alone a full building of them.I guess you could say that they were a substitute for friends when I didn't feel like talking to anybody;which was often. 

I didn't really have the patience for ignorance or incompetence.That being said I didn't have very many friends because that was the majority of my high school.Thank god it was my last year.The only friends that I did have though were kind of similar to me.Although they had a lot more pep and energy than I.

Michelle and Reina were smart,but they didn't crave knowledge like I did.I didn't like all subjects,god no.It was just history and literature that peaked my interest.Math and the varied Sciences..Not so much.That was more their preferences.That's why they never willingly came along with me to the library unless it's for a class project.

I tightened my jacket around me as a cool breeze whipped past blowing sandy hair out of control and into my face.In the process of taming the beast I call my hair I manage to clash into a hard surface.That surface being a person.

"Shit,watch where you're going." he spits.I finally get the beast under control to look up into light jade colored eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter apologizing.His harsh glare making me look away.I can feel him scanning my body making me extremely uncomfortable.

"Actually," he pauses.The silence causing me to look up just in time for me to see his tongue roll over his plump pink lips "I'm sorry.What's your name,babe?" 

His boldness catches me off guard."I-I uhm,Anna." I'm stuttering again.Damn it.

He smirks and picks up my hand, before I realize what he's doing he plants a delicate kiss to my knuckles,I then pull my hand back in disgust,  and am suddenly hit with a wave of courage.I might be shy in certain areas of conversation, but standing up for myself was not one of them.

I scowl at him."Excuse me, I seem to have missed the part when I said that you could do that." my attempt at being brave only widens his seemingly intimidating smirk.I am beginning to think that he finds this whole situation amusing.Who does he think he is?

I narrow my eyes at him "Who are you?" my voice sounding as if I'm afraid of the answer.I have no idea why I haven't walked away yet.Maybe it's because he's extremely attractive, my subconscious adds, causing me to slightly shake my head at the ridiculous accusation.

I mean, no,it wasn't ridiculous.It was debatable,Yes he was quite a sight, but his attitude so far was kind of ruining the whole package.He finally speaks up after what seems like years.

"Harry.Harry Styles." his gaze flashes downward on my body and other than the ice cold blood in my veins that's all it takes for me to walk away.No way.Absolutely not.I will not get involved any further with that man.Man? Boy? I don't know, all I know is that I need to get as far away from him as possible.Not only do I not trust him,I mean I barely know him,and he doesn't seem like a person that you could trust with much, but I don't trust myself enough to not slap him stupid.Although, that wouldn't be very hard..

I'm almost within the preferred vicinity between him and the library when a large hand is planted on my shoulder.For some odd reason it feels as if my skin was lit afire and I almost enjoyed the feeling.


That is until I turn around to realize that the hand belonged to the person that I so desperately wanted to get away from.

AAAAAAND scene.Thus ends the first chapter of Amnesia.I am extremely thankful for those of you that have began to read.I have wonderful plans for this story and hope that you guys will enjoy it.I've had this story in my mind for over a month but only now is it that I actually pursue my little fantasy.

Uhm,I should probably tell you guys my name? maybe later.. :)


Please and thank you.

P.S. I'm sorry if it's short.The chapters will be longer in the future.It is after all only the beginning..

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