Chapter Two

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*Present Day*

Shaking off the almost painful memory I continue walking down the newly cemented path to the library.I can't remember the last time that I have been here.

This is it.This is the day.It's time to share.The story is so beautiful it's not fare that only I know the full story.He knows too.The hopeful part of my subconscious whispers to me.He doesn't know.He can't remember.I shout this mantra to myself in my head.

Of course the people I'm sharing this lovely tale with won't know it's him and I.I've made sure of it.That would be bad for his parents reputation and his as well.They can't have a lower classed girl be in a relationship with their son.God forbid they fall in love.The only reason that I made the people in the story different was for him.If he were to hear about this story he could freak out and his health could possibly be in danger.

Although it has been a few years since his accident..None the less I should keep it this way and quite frankly I think it sounds better.

It's quite silly to think that he would actually read the story though.I mean he never really was a reader when I knew him.The only time that he ever was interested in a book was when I read to him.Ironically he liked it given the fact that he rarely read.Only when it was necessary.He never did tell me why he liked it when I read to him and that still bothers me today.

Hell, the mention of his name bothers me.Everything to do with him still bothers me, but I manage to hide it well.Michelle says I'm shit at it.She somehow knows everything that's wrong and it irritates me.I know she means well, but still.I'd like to be the least bit mysterious.It's soothing though because sometimes I just can't contain myself.The feelings just take over as well as the tears.

The funny thing is that I had never cried before I met him.Not even when I was born which is kind of odd.My parents had thought I was dead up until I had coughed.Every time I was injured I never cried.I was bullied constantly through out my entire school experience, not one tear shed.When Daddy died my whole family thought I was heartless and never loved him.

Oh, how wrong they were.Mamma never thought like that.She knew how I was and she also knew that people handled death differently.The truth was that I was falling apart inside.

I need to stop thinking like this.If any of what I wrote in the book reflects off my thoughts then people will think that I'm mentally unstable.Maybe I am? Or was?

I arrive at the entrance and push open the doors.A scent of old novel paper and chlorine fills my nostrils.The steady stream of water pouring out the spigot of the medium sized cement fountain and keys on a keyboard are the only sounds that I hear as I walk to the front desk.

Surprised is an understatement of the look that Mrs.Roy gives me as she looks up to see who is in front of her.Oh god.I didn't realize how much I missed her company until she practically jumps over the counter to give me a bone crushing hug.I wrap my arms around her just as tightly as she does me.This woman was like my grandmother.

"Oh my god,child.Where have you been?" she asks exasperatedly while holding me out in front of her to scan me over.I feel the blush run to my cheeks.Taking one quick run over of her appearance.I notice her blonde hair has a little more speckles of gray and her hazel eyes have little wrinkles around them from years of radiant grins.

"I've been on a secret mission.Shh don't tell anyone" I try to be serious,but fail miserably as we both begin to laugh.

"No, but on a more serious note.I've been..Away.I needed a break from this place." my voice sounding like I was trying to explain myself as if I had done something wrong.Maybe partially  because the only people that I had told of my leaving were my mother and Michelle.Only now do I realize what a stupid decision that was.

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