Part 3: The Sun Is Truly On Fire

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Ophelia and I had been together for almost a year now and my birthday was coming up soon on December 21. I wanted to spend it with Ophelia but my mother also had plans on celebrating with our coven and my father also wanted me for the week. I was being torn in 3 and didn't know what to do. My mother overruled my plans with Ophelia saying I always spent time with her but then my father's plans overruled my mothers for obvious reasons. She always sided with him anyway. I sighed, annoyed I was having no say in this. It was my birthday. I did love Tenebris and my mother and the coven but I wanted to be with Ophelia. I always wanted her.

"I do hope you have fun dear and don't worry, perhaps you can see Ophelia later today and join our coven for the celebrations tonight." She smiled and waved as my father's carriage awaited me. "Okay, bye."

"Goodbye, my darling. I love you, send my love to your father."

"I love you too." I called and closed the door, making sure the entirety of my dress was inside. The corset I wore was hard to breath in. I could wear modern clothes and Solis' simple clothes but when I saw my father he wanted me to dress like a princess. I thought it was fine but I guess princess' learned how to not breath. After a long ride through the Praebet Silvam valley-where the faeries and nymphs live and around Hominum through the mountains we finally made it to Tenebris. I allowed my eyes to sweep through the dark valley, noticing shadows watching, glowing eyes taking the carriage in and cloaked figures greeting me. The environment changed from forestry to city-like with tall black buildings, dark townhouses and homes for the vampires of Tenebris. We made our way past the gates of my father's castle and I stepped out as we pulled to a stop at the front. A servant was there to aid me and I curtseyed to him. My father stepped out from the darkness to greet me, smiling as he pulled me in for a hug. "Sela."

"Father." I smiled, snuggling into him. As much as I wanted to do what I wanted for my birthday, I couldn't wait to figure out what he'd have in store for me. "Mother sends her love."

"And I always send mine back. It's nice to see you, my little vampiress witch. You're even more radiant than the last time I saw you. You have your mother's glow." He winked and I smiled. "So what did you have planned?" He motioned for me to follow as we walked into the castle. Candles lit along the walls showed our way. "I thought you'd like a party? The vampires here enjoy your presence, I know much better than the Solian's right?"

I nodded, thinking back to my fellow white witches and elves, or else not so fellow. "Yes, but Ophelia enjoys me." He smiled, looking down at me. "I know and am glad you've found someone that cares so much for you." We turned down a hallway to walk into the large ballroom. "Do tell me your plans after your 18th dear. I want to know if I should make room for you here or.. plan a wedding." He grinned and I blushed deeply. "Dad.. please.." I giggled, walking ahead of him into the space. I took in the gargoyle statues holding up the ceiling. "I like the party idea. But can we go hunting? You've never taken me before."

My father began to pace the room, slowly. "We could. But my men have just attacked the other night, replenishing our blood supply."

I frowned slightly. "But it's my birthday." I smiled, walking up and gave him the best werewolf eyes I could. "I might make an exception for the princess."

I grinned and smiled as he bent down to kiss my forehead. "Now, go get ready. We'll have your party first and I'll get my men ready." I yipped and ran from the room to meet my servants outside the room. I couldn't wait to go hunting tonight. I almost forgot how disappointed I was about Ophelia. I slipped into a huge black ballroom gown with heels and a black crystal tiara. I stared in the mirror as the maids did my hair and makeup. I smiled at myself, delighted I was finally turning 18 at 12am that night. But something inside me felt odd. A strange feeling came over me, like something was going to happen and I didn't think it was anything good. I wished I could call my mom and Ophelia I had a strong urge to go to them. I couldn't just leave though. Maybe I was just worried. I got up to leave, escorted by one of my fathers guards into the ballroom. Vampires were beginning to fill the room. Most people I didn't know but I knew some of them were my relatives. I wandered over to take part in the food, taking a piece of the liver lasagna and popped it into my mouth before washing it down with a glass of blood. The vampires here enjoyed much human cuisine, something they had gotten from the demon community of Tenebris. It slowly meshed into the vampire diet beside blood. Tenebris was the only time I had human flesh. It was alright, I preferred their blood more. After I finished another glass of blood, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Honey, it's almost time for introductions." I nodded, placing the empty glass down to follow him to the front and walked onto the stage. "We are gathered here today to celebrate, Sela Lucette Vaux' 18th birthday. Please, join me in giving my daughter a thorough welcome into the vampire community." I received a round of applause and hollers from the crowd. I grinned, waving as my skin flushed. It was interested to be so loved for my vampire half here and shunned for it back home, the place I spent so much time in. I was starting to think maybe, I should have lived here all along. I loved my white witch said thought, I loved all of me and if I did I wouldn't have met Ophelia. Next the party was led into a traditional elegant ballroom celebratory dance. I danced with a random vampire I hadn't met before. He touched me ever so gently as we danced and when we parted, he bowed, thanking me for the privilege. The party was motioned to the dinning room table that was set up with more food than last time. Pitchers of blood were everywhere, there was more liver lasagna, hearty steak and veggies sautéed with arteries and a blood soup with chunks of human flesh. I took part in the soup and sat close to my father as he introduced me to the rest of my family, a few aunts, uncles and cousins. As dinner came to a close it was almost time for it to be over but I kept eyeing my father, wondering when he'd pull me away to make our escape to Hominum. "Alright, if you will excuse me I have something to attend to." My father announced, eyeing his advisor, Leonardo to keep the festivities going. I watched as he walked past my chair. "There's a few horses out back." He whispered and I stood up, eager and followed him as we raced down the hallway. There were two horses waiting for us along with his lead knight and two others flanking him. I got onto my horse, easily not worried about the dress. "It's going to be quick dear, I promised them we wouldn't be back for another month."

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