Part 4: Sela-Awakened

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//Link to the next story in the series in the comments. (: 

I didn't know what to do. So I ran. I pushed passed my father's handmaid and knight to make my way down the stairs, they shouted and called for me, knowing where I was going. But I didn't care. Nothing really mattered now. I stopped at my father's door. The room seemed empty already. But it wasn't. I walked inside, looking over at his desk and there he lay. Slumped over on his desk eyes closed. It was like he was sleeping except the unnatural gray color of his skin told me he wasn't. That's what happened to vampires after they died, instead of pale their skin fades to an odd gray. Tears slid down my face as I walked over slowly, I heard footsteps behind me as his maid and knight stopped in the doorway. "Sela, he's.."

"Don't speak." I whispered, aggressively. Sure, I knew that. They told me already but I had to see for myself. I slowly laid a hand on his shoulder, tears streaming down my face. Who could have done this? I barely noticed a map underneath him. He must not have slept last night. He was still making plans. I fell to my knees, grabbing onto his chilled dead hand. It felt like ice. I cried into my dress, softly begging him to come back. I couldn't stay here all alone. What would I do now? "Princess, we're in need of direction and King Thorn is gone.. as his daughter you're the only heir to the throne. I know you're grieving and still mourning for your mother but you must take the throne." I heard Alistair but I wasn't listening my eyes cast down as more tears flooded my vision. I heard the maid begin to cry gently again. Alistair was right though. I'd need to take things into my own hands it wasn't like I wasn't capable. I knew I'd have it after my father. But vampires rarely ever die unless killed, they were immortal. My reign would be virtually infinite. As my father's should have been. I wasn't meant to ever have the throne. I was supposed to live out my days in Solis or here with Ophelia by my side and we'd adopt children as I knew she had always wanted to do. My mother would help us teach him or her magic and my father would plan the biggest wedding Tenebris had ever seen. My life was supposed to get better. Isn't that what happens? Always darker days before brighter ones, right? Why was it constantly storming in my life? ..We have to be strong for her. It's the only way we can find this monster and revive your mother's homeland. The only way we can save us all. My father's words echoed into my head and it slowly lifted up to view his lifeless form. He was right. I had to be strong for him, for mother. I had to fight back it was the only way I could try to undo some of the carnage that witch had done. The only way the constant cloud cover would go away. I began to slowly get to my feet wiping my tears away. I would see the sun again. I turned to Alistair and nodded. "I accept." He bowed slightly. "Have my father's body prepared for burial. We will stop at nothing to end this treachery against my father and Solis. Even if I have to kill everyone to do it."

The funeral was just that afternoon. The bell, again, rang for yet another death. It rang several times for my father and then a moment of silence was held. I learned my father's death was a mystery, that nothing had harmed his physical body. Not a wooden stake or UV magic. We could only guess a spell was put over him in Pythonissam. Probably that dark witch and it only angered me more. All in the vampire city came to pay their respects, even some from the demon forest and Pythonissam came to show their respect for my father. Some even bowed to me, offering flowers and giving their sympathy for my loss. I was thankful but I didn't show it. They didn't care when my mother died, why now? I let the servants arrange the extra flowers around my fathers casket. He was laid to rest right next to my mother in the family crypt. After the ceremony, I stayed behind in the graveyard to kneel in front of the caskets. At least they'll be together forever. Tears came to my eyes again and continued for hours. I was surprised the place didn't flood. I gripped the cold ground hard as I began to speak. "It's so cold, so lonely without you both. The sun doesn't really shine anymore where I am and I'm shattered. I wish I was there. I wish I had listened to myself, the wretched feeling inside. I wish I could have saved you mother. I wish I was there to save them all. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe we'd all be together again and things would be alright." I sniffled, wiping tears away with the back of my hand before slowly getting up. "I promise you both, I'll do anything, everything I can to avenge you both. Whatever it takes." I hadn't noticed the stone walls were beginning to shake and the gate door began to swing. The flowers caught on fire. "You have my word. I'll find our talisman and when I find that witch." I gritted my teeth and the walls began to shake harder, stone pieces fell from the ceiling. "I'll give them something worse than death." I bit my lip until it bled, the flowers slowly went out and the walls stopped shaking, the gate stopped moving. I turned to leave, carrying my vows with me. Later that day, I was crowned queen of Tenebris in the city center. Everyone was required to attend and they did as I pleased. It was to make it known to all that a half white witch and half vampire was on the throne of Tenebris as I knew some didn't like it. I didn't care. They'd either follow or die. No questions asked, no prisoners and no mercy. I used the same statement as I spoke with my knights about how we'd go about searching through the valleys. We'd take every last one, ravage the land until my talisman was found. We'd make them all bow down to me, every last faerie, werewolf, witch, demon, vampire and human. For those who resisted, we'd take them head on, no questions, no prisoners and absolutely no mercy. No one would ever do this to me again. No one.

"We'll ride into the demon forests later tonight. But first I have something to attend to." My knights bowed and I left the conference room to walk down the stairs and out to my horse that awaited me. I had sent letters out just before to Pythonissam. I needed someone to teach me more magic. I needed someone to teach me the dark arts. I had to be more powerful than that witch. I had to be more powerful than anyone. I took to the witches community alone but I knew followed by Alistair. Somehow, I knew my father told him to protect me if anything should happen to him but I didn't need protection. "Did your queen command you to follow her?" I asked, glancing back at him as I rode into the market place, riding through to the High Coven's quarters. "No, my lady but your father, he.."

"I know. It's fine." I urged my horse faster and jumped from its back as we stopped in front of the council building. The doors burst open as I walked up to them and hooded figures looked over to me, turning from their small circle of about five male witches. "Queen Sela. What an honor it is to have you. We're sorry for your loss." The center one said and I guessed he led them.

"As am I." I dismissed his words. "So where are they? The witch, I sent for?"

"She's right here, your highness. Katla Halle, at your service." I turned to the door as a witch in a black cloak walked inside, a smile on her face. She walked right up, bowing to me as she took my hand in hers lightly. "It's an honor." I left the High Coven with her, riding back to her home after commanding Alistair to leave us. He didn't have to be here when she was teaching me. I was safe. Katla told me she was an old witch but didn't look any older than myself. I knew witches, especially dark witches had unnaturally long lives because of the magic they used. She was a light and dark witch. First a resident of Solis but then moved to Tenebris as she became interested in the dark magic and now she's a master of both. The most powerful witch in Pythonissam. She began to teach me how to access more power by tying my soul to the next realm. That would help me perfect their spells and acquire more gifts to ensnare my adversaries. So, I did. On the full moon, during a spell with her and a few other powerful witches they successfully helped me give up my soul to access this magic. It didn't feel like anything but a slight tingle and sharp stab in my chest as the spell was performed. From then it was like I was somewhere else. I could see the other side. Although, I knew the other side existed physically in Exspiravit, the last of the seven valleys but people rarely went there. Not able to speak to their loved ones again in sorrow or not believing it existed. I barely remembered my mother telling me she visited the place to see her own mother. She said it was eerie, quiet and beautiful somehow. But it didn't even seem like I was there. The place was bare and mirrored my previous location. Except no witches stood around me, chanting. It was just me and the fire. Until, I saw a figure of myself. My aura was bright and beautiful and I mirrored it but in an odd black and red color. I knew my own aura looked this way, it was a deep red color compared to the bright pale red it was when I was younger. My two selves seemed to mold into one, the bright aura fading through me only to disappear as it left my body. I came back to earth then and blacked out. The next morning, Katla told me it worked and we could begin my training. For the next few months as my armies tore through Tenebris I let Katla teach me everything she knew. New spells and insights and slowly my new gifts began to show up. My telekinesis and pyrokinesis was getting better but now, I also had the ability to summon animals and creatures to my aid, I dabbled in blood manipulation, using my own blood as weapons. I could control others with my thoughts, sense magic, create portals, control shadows and the list kept growing. My power was growing and I was learning how to control my new found abilities. It excited me, amazed me, scared me but also thrilled me. I could finally do it. With my power, armies and will; I'd conquer the valleys and find my parents killer. Soon, my sun will shine and all will be right in the world.

To be continued..

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