Regretful Thinking

446 22 13

                                           -Act Three-

        Hey there peeps its me Author-San! I'm here to sincerely apologize for being a Beach and not updating in like forever. AND I VOW ON THE SEXINESS OF KAKASHI'S ASS THAT I WILL UPDATE AT LEAST TWO TIMES A WEEK! Okay now on with the story! 

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Naruto narusasu would have happened aloonnnngggggggggg time ago. 

Warning: Contains crack & Spoilers MWHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA....ha


   After I had gotten over my mild shock that I had some how ended up in the most bloody era known to shinobi, actually I think I will never get over that fact.

 Another fun fact is that I had accidentally saved the life of the Shodaime hokage's little brother who was supposed to be dead before my sorry ass had to interfere.

Another very fun fact was that it had started pouring cats and dogs and I was currently huddling against the supposed little brother or otherwise referred to as Itama. I kept my gaze on the small fire I had started inside a small rock cavern we had found.

" So umm....Rin-san do you think y-you can return me back home", Itama whispered.

 I nodded my head as a very uncomfortable silence enveloped us. Not being a very patient person Itama decided it would be best if he prodded his nose into my personal life.

"Your not from here are you Rin-san?" He asked questioningly.

"What makes you say that?"

"Your clothing is very different and you talk funny."

I smiled down at him as the fire illuminated his face.

"Your right I'm not from here"

"where are you from then Rin-san?"

I reached inside my pouch and pulled out my worn out hitaiate. Itama brought up his hand and traced the leaf design as the tainted metal reflected the orange flicks of the fire.

"I'm from Konoha"

"Where's that?"

"It doesn't exist anymore"



Itama fell into silence again.

"Umm...I-I'm sorry Rin-san"

I smiled sadly at him. "Don't worry about it".

" So don't you have any..- like- family or friends to go back to?"

My heart jumped to my throat. Friends. I remembered their smiling faces, then I remembered the ones I had seen during the war. I remembered the light and hope in their eyes reduced to despair and pain. I remember the fake smiles they gave each other as if trying to create a brigade of false serenity.

 And as I stared into the almost onyx looking eyes of Itama -so filled with innocence- I remembered Sasuke. In all his glory Sasuke had died saving the life of Naruto taking the last blow of Madara and the Rabbit Goddesses attacks and when I remembered him I saw his broken body and the blood oozing out of him and him smiling before death claimed him as well. When I remembered my friends, my only family, I remembered the mangled and torn bodies and then I remembered the smiles, the last good-byes as they happily accepted death to protect what they cherished. All in vain for in the end (lol BVB  reference) we had lost and they had won.

(Naruto Oc AU) My Sweetest DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now