xxxiv. Escape

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☼ Isla's POV ☼

I was a little upset at the fact that Ivy hadn't sent me the actual Elites that protected the royals, only the extra Elites-in-training. Then again, I couldn't tell Odette they weren't official Elites, that would stress her out even more.

Don't get me wrong, they were pretty skilled in combat and could bust us out of here. They just tended to be a little...unprofessional at times.

Like right now, Louis and Harry were debating on what they should do with Seamus' unconscious body.

"What if we stripped him until he was butt naked and then tied him up to the light pole in the center of town square?" Louis suggested, Harry busting out into uncontrollable laughter soon after. Niall was still talking to Odette, and only Liam was following training and stealing weapons from the Revolutionaries with me.

I reached Emerald's unconscious body and resisted the urge to kick her and leave several bruises on her perfect face. She had helped Seamus set the fires to my family's wheat fields years ago. She had been one of the ones who gave me my burns.

But Ivy would have said we didn't have time to reminisce about such trivial matters that were now in the past, so I snatched the handgun and holster by her side and the hidden knife I knew she kept inside her boot.

"Let's go, guys. We don't have much time." I ordered, Niall helping Odette stand up while the other three followed my lead. Louis hung back though, his eyes still on Seamus.

"Louis?" I asked, everyone else was already out of the door and ready to go.

"We can't just leave him here." He said, making a very good point. "Zayn wants him to get his punishment as a criminal."

"Our mission is to get Odette out of here. The rest of the Elites will come and take care of him and his followers later." I explained, Louis staring at Seamus one last time before walking out of the room and following us.

I had walked around the Revolution compound several times in the days I had been here, so I had practically memorized the entire layout. I led us down concrete corridors and hallways, my mind creating a mental map towards the exit. We were about to reach the cafeteria, no doubt one of the busiest places in the compound, when an alarm went off.

A high pitch shrill sound echoed through the halls, red lights flashing as Seamus' voice came over the intercom system in the walls.

"Attention, all Revolutionaries. Odette Carlton has escaped with several soldiers. Kill anyone seen with her. Being her to me alive." He ordered, and Odette's grip on Niall's hand grew tighter once the message finished. Her big hazel eyes looked at all of us in fear.

"Now I've put you in danger!" She exclaimed, releasing Niall's hand and backing away from us. Her cheek was already starting to bruise, the red turning into darker shades of pink now.

"It's alright, they won't stand a chance against us." I assured her, but she still shook her head.

"They could kill you!" She argued, Louis faking hurt as he placed a hand on his chest.

"Have some faith in us, we're not that bad." He joked, Odette not seeming any more relaxed than before.

"I-I don't want to be the reason you get hurt." She mumbled, Niall taking her hand again and keeping her moving.

"We will get hurt if we keep stopping. Trust us, we'll be fine." He spoke to her, getting her to quietly comply.

"We need to keep moving, especially now that they know Odette's missing." I told everyone, hurrying down the hallway towards what I knew would be the most dangerous part of our trip.

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