Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I enter the class quickly, not bothering if the teacher greets me or not, even though I'm sure I told them to 'fuck off' every time, but they still keep trying relentlessly.

I take a seat in the very back, grabbing a table I screech it all the way to the wall so I can lift my chair and balance it on the wall behind me. I take out my books and pen and start to tune into the lesson.

"What happens if you cross the Canadian border and you have traces of drugs on you?" Miss. Willow asks the class.

"They'll arrest you" I exclaim non chalantly, as if I've always given answers in class.

The whole class erupts in whispers and gasps. It's not every day you hear Ariana Jewel give an answer freely without having the whole class erupt in gossip and memorizing every word I say to tell everyone else.

I roll my eyes, ofcourse I know the answer, it happened to me already, but thankfully my old buddy got me out before they could actually take me away.

I was with a friend and they convinced me to just have one drag, well, in the end I ended up like a runaway criminal, not my problem. And my old friend was one of the cops, he covered up for me later on after I gave him a big wad of cash.

The teacher looked stunned, as if she didn't see me in the room, nevertheless less answer at least. "Um...yes, that's correct Ariana-"

" it's Jewel" I snap at her, pissed that people still are calling me Ariana after everything I had to do to NOT have people call me that.

The first time someone called me Ariana I knocked her teeth out, yes a little harsh, but I told her not to say it, and of course what does she do, she starts chanting it of course, so I knocked her teeth out. Not my problem, she asked for it really.

Miss. Willow just mumbles a quiet 'my apologies' and keeps on with the class. I still listen, just not as much as last time. My mind wanders.

It's not that I absolutely hate school, I mean, I would like it a lot more if people left me and my business alone, but that never happens. I don't know why people love to talk about me, I'm like a shiny new toy for everyone to pick up and play with, even if the damn toy squirms and try's getting out of they're hands, but they lock onto the toy and never let it go, even when it starts to rust, they will just start to polish it up to make it look new on the outside, but the insides have already rottened. I'm that new shiny toy and the hands are the low life bully's who spend they're time picking on someone who doesn't even give two shits.

At the end of the day I go to my locker to put my books back and head back to my truck, with a record of no one trying to stop me to shove money down my bra or catcall and whistle. I'm gonna have to call Kitty and see if I have to bring my at home costume or if the club already has an outfit ready. While I'm sitting in my truck on the corner of the road I decide to call Kitty now, cause I'm between my house and work so if I have to go home i'll go but if I don't, I don't, pretty easy. I dial her number and wait till she picks up, "Jewels! Omg, what's up honey, you have to come to work, no more snoozing around or else Jordan won't pay you, he let it off for a while but you need to come back or else-"

"Jeez Kitty, what did I tell you about keeping your mouth shut, jeezus I have a headache now" I complain, " and yes, I know, he called me last night, I problems." I lie, hoping to convince her, even though I already know it will work, she's really gullible, like, really really gullible.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, well, if that's not why you called me, then what is?" Kitty says softly.

"Um, well, should I bring my costume from home or-" I explain awkwardly, I don't like talking about my work, even if it's with my coworker and former bestish friend.

"Oh, gurl, don't worry about that silly, I have everything at work all ready for you, all you have to do is basically come, I'll even curl your hair for you too!" She squeals, lecturing me but also trying to convince me to come to work. " okay, thanks Kitty, I'm on my way right now" I end with a smile and turn to put my seatbelt on but instead I see a face right at my window, I let out a scream of surprise. The surprise turns into anger, I hate it when people scare me, it's not my fault, it's my first reaction.

The person-a very beautiful dude- starts laughing and clutching his sides, and although I can barely hear his laughter, I still get a bubbly feeling in my stomach, it's a pretty sight may I add. I could watch it for years, but I put on my mannie pannies and buff up. I get out of my truck and start beating the crap out of the guy, well at least I try, he's a fucking solid brick, pretty fit too...yummy.

Jeez, someone slap me please, my hormones are getting the best of me right now, ugh, f u hormones.

"Woah, woah, woah, hold up sunshine, quit beating me" the hot mystery guy starts saying, he grabs my wrists and hold them above my head while pushing my back against my truck. I barely recognize the voice, but I take no notes not really caring.If someone was watching right now they would say things were getting PG, but I say no. I suck my breath from how intimate this position is, his hips between mine, pressed up against me, his face is right in front of mine. He has stunning green eyes, plump lips and nice curly brown hair, styled up in a quiff. I try to struggle, but damn, he's got a fierce grip on me, so I give up. I mean it's not everyday a very hot guy scares you and then pins you up against your truck. Just saying.

"Get off, prick" I firmly say.

"Well, that's not a very nice thing to say now is it?" He says in a way to piss me off even more, he also had an English accent. Hot. No, hormones stop it.

"I don't really care, now why the hell were you at my window?" I say annoyed. He laughs and just says, "It looked to me you were having troubles, so I checked to see if you were alright, I mean you did have your lights flashing, you never know, maybe you could've died or got in an accident." He shrugs his shoulders, and starts to lower my arms from above my head. He's got problems, if he saw just a minute ago he would've saw I was on the phone and I was perfectly fine.

"Yeah, well, now you've seen me-" I start.

"Clearly" he interrupts and licks his lips, very seductively might I say, but my hormones won't take control, I've had enough of creeps trying make me sleep with them or get a kiss, shit, talking about work, I need to go right now. I'm probably already late.

"Look, guy, I need to go, thanks for wasting my time" I squiggle out of his grip and start getting in my truck.

"No, 'thank you for caring'?" He scowls and starts to back away, "nope" I reply quickly and rev up my truck, I start to drive off slowly but I hear him shouting something so I slow down and decipher what he said; turns out he wants my name, well if he wants then he'll have to find it himself. Ha, suck on that hormones!

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