Squall x Reader

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Requested by: lilyprincess23

So I just made Rinoa the person who just ships you and Squall, so she may be OOC, but I don't care 😂 I love this 😂

Rinoa's Pov:

Well, so far this night has been a total bust. We were at a dance type of thing, and (Y/n) and Squall were fighting out of all times! It was awful! Something about Squall's need of forcing (Y/n) into something..

I sighed as I put my drink to the side. I guess I'll have to go in and rescue their relationship again. Third time's the charm, right?

I decide to head outside onto the balcony area where (Y/n) was. She was alone, sipping (f/d) as she looked up at the stars. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked as I took my place next to her.

She sighed. "I just don't get it. I mean, don't you notice it, too? He's always forcing things onto me." She said. I think back and realized all the things Squall made her do because he didn't want to. "Hm, now that you mention it.." "Right?"

She groaned. Her (h/c) was all over the place due to the stress her boyfriend was causing her, making me frown. I move her hair out of her face. "Come on, don't let him get to you like this. What really matters is that Squall loves you. Look at it this way: he wouldn't make you do all of those things if he thought you couldn't handle it." I pointed out.

"I guess, but it's just so frustrating." She sighed. "But seriously, why make a scene?" I joked. She threw her hands up in the air. "I don't freaking know, Rinoa, I might be pmsing or some shit." "TMI, girl."

We both laughed before there was a knock behind us. We turned our heads and saw Squall. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked.

Even though it was dark out, you could see the tint of blush from embarrassment. Oh damn, he heard her.

I snorted as (Y/n) sets her drink down and tried to climb over the railing. "Tell my family that I love them."

I grab her and pull her back. "You aren't going anywhere!" I grab my own drink and point at the two of them. "You two, make up, make out, DO SOMETHING! I'm going back in to dance and party some more. See ya!"

Reader's Pov:

I had my face covered with both of my hands as Rinoa ran back inside to the party. This is what we get for being half sober, I guess.

"(Y/n)." I looked up at Squall. "That's me." He shakes his head with a small smile before walking over to me. My eyes widened. "Nooo! Don't take her advice!" I whined.

"(Y/n), just look up at me." I look up at him like he asked. "I'm sorry about earlier, though I'm pretty sure you don't remember because you're probably drunk." He said.

I sighed. "I remember it perfectly. You're forgiven. I'm sorry for causing a scene." I said. He pulled me into a hug. "You're also forgiven."

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