Gladio x Reader

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Requested by lukebryangirl555


I mean I lovvvve making Gladio and posting them! Then later on I get tortured by dirty thoughts because apparently I have friends and readers who are dirty-minded! *laughs nervously* What am I doing with meh life?

I spent the whole day thinking about this story and no ideas came to me. Of course the requester wouldn't come up with any ideas, either *glares at requester*.


Anyway, for this story, you'll be a water/storm dragon hybrid. You'll be able to transform into human and dragon and you are going to weild water and thunder..obviously 😂 I would've put the picture as the cover for this part but it's too tall so I shall put it down here!

obviously 😂 I would've put the picture as the cover for this part but it's too tall so I shall put it down here!

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And if someone wants to say "that picture isn't yours!!" I just wanna say this one thing: yes, I know. The credit go to whoever made it but I found it on google. So therrrreee XD

Anyway! Enjoy the story!

2nd Person Pov:

You stretch out your back as you tanformed into your human form. Your hair goes from a faint blue to (h/c). Your eyes still remained (e/c) throughout your transformations. It was the only way to identify you as you when you were in your dragon form.

You look both ways before crossing the street and over to Hammerhead where your friend, Cindy, worked at her garage. You knock on the side of the door frame before walking in, signaling Cindy that you were back.

"Howdy, (n/n), enjoy your flight?" She asked. You shrugged. "It was a little cloudy today, but it was still nice." She hummed. "Looks like it could even rain." "Great, that'll throw my senses off." You sighed.

She chuckled. "Are dragons usually that sassy?" You smirked. "Nah, just me." She hummed again. "Hey Cindy! We're back!"

The both of you whipped your head to see four men getting out of their car. Cindy smiled real big and tugged your arm. "You've gotta see their ride! She's the prettiest thing you'll see!"

You sighed but smiled. "All right." With that, she pulled you closer to the boys and the Regalia.

"Howdy, boys. What're y'all here for this time?" Cindy asked. "Oh, you know how Noct is, he gets crazy with the girl sometimes." The blonde said casually. Cindy chuckled.

"Aw, don't worry! I'll have her fixed up in no time!" You chuckled at the blonde's reaction to Cindy talking to him. He stumbled over his two feet, grinning sheepishly.

Your chuckling had gained the four men's attention, all of them immediately staring at you in shock at  your presence. You immediately stopped, taking a step closer to Cindy.

"Boys, this is (y/n), a very good and loyal friend to me. You better watch out, she can kill a human in a heartbeat." Cindy introduced. "A friend of Cindy's is a friend of ours. I'm Prompto! The guys over there are Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis." The blonde introduced himself, sticking out his hand.

You tilt your head to the side, not understanding his intentions. You never had shook someone's hand. When you, Cindy, and Cid met, you just shook your heads in greeting, but you were only experimenting then.

"What's wrong?" Gladio asked you. You lock your eyes with his for a few moments before turning away from his gaze.

"Uh, nothing. Sorry, but I have to take off for a few." Cindy nods to you. "I understand, go take your time." You nodded to her and took off running to the open areas.

Once you got to your area, you take a deep breath and transform into your dragon form. Being in human form was like keeping everything in all at once. And once you transformed into your dragon form, it felt like as if all of your problems and stress were released from your worries.

You look up at the sky as you feel precipitation starting to fall. As you finally concluded that it was the storm that Cindy was talking about, you heard shouts. "There's our target!"

You whipped your head towards the direction of the voices and saw hunters. Probably to gain "revenge" on their partners.

You stretch your wings out before suddenly leaping and making a swift movement of your wings, blowing the hunters a few yards away from you.

"Be careful, men! She's dangerous!" You growled at them, taking a couple steps back from them. "Sir, are you sure she is? She looks like she's retreating!" "Nevermind that! Get her!"

Gladio's Pov:

Ths ground had suxdenly shook, causing all of us to stumble back a few feet. "What the hell was that?!" Noct asked.

Cindy ran out of the garage, a slight panicked look was on her face. "What's wrong with Cindy?" Prompto asked.

Cindy soon spotted us and jogged over to us. "Good, you boys are still here. Listen, I need y'all to go find (y/n) for me." Cindy said.

"Sure, but what was that big thud?" Noct asked. "That was her." Our eyes widened at her response. "THAT was her?" Prompto asked.

There was a sudden roar that rumbled through the air, gaining all of our attention. Cindy quickly looked over to the sound, and her eyes grew wide before facing us again. "Listen, do you see that blue and purple dragon over there?"

We looked over and saw what Cindy was talking about. "Remarkable." Ignis commented. "What about it?" I asked. "That's (y/n)." "That's her?!" She nodded.

"Yep. She has hunters all around the world hunting for her because of how deadly she can be and how beautiful her scales are. And there's no doubt that she's dealing with some now. Please bring my best friend back." We all nodded. "We will."

So I immediately fell for a dragon hybrid. This is going to be interesting.

Your Pov:

I pant as I transferred back into my human form. I hold my wound in my side as my hair stays a dark blue. I was angry, I was hurt, and I needed help.

"She's a hybrid?!" "It makes her even more deadly! Finish her!" My (e/c) human eyes suddenly turned into amber slits as an electric shield surrounded me, keeping them away from me.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I quickly switch my gaze from the hunters to the boys that I had met at the garage. My eyes turned back to normal, realization hitting me that I had left for far longer than I had planned.

I reach into my pocket and used my last elixer that I had before getting up.
I produce water in one hand and electricity in the other. "Boys! Step back!" I called.

They all gave me a quick glance before hopping out of my target zone. I collided the two elements and aimed at the group of hunters, releasing my spell and injuring them almost severly. I decided to go easy on them this time.

I let out a sigh of relief and exhaustion as they all ran away. My dark blue hair had finally returned to it's normal (h/c) color.

"You're a dragon hybrid?!" I directed my gaze over to the guys. "Yeah, wasn't that obvious? I mean, I was confused when you stretched your hand out to me."

Gladio shakes his head and crosses his arms. "You are something else." I shrug. "What can I say? I guess I charm humans like you." I began my walk to Hammerhead with a flip of my hair.

Maybe I can get use to the human life, especially with these guys around.

Soooooo yeahhh it wasn't really a Gladio story I'm sorrryyyy. I couldn't come up with anything! Plus it kind of sucked XD Oh well! I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

P.s.: HOLY CRAP OVER 1000 WORDS! HIGH SCORE!!! ....what am I doing with my life XD

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