Shared tears

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Mondo held onto Chuck thightly as he watched the ambulance drive away from Miss Kotoha's driveway. Chuck whimpered, noticing Mondo's sadness from his sniffs.

Daiya talked with the police for a while. Mondo watched as his brother's face lit up with sudden anger, he snapped something at the officer and headed for their apartment. He entered the apartment quietly, closing the door behind him. His feet took him right over to Mondo, who stood by the window in the living room. The little brother turned around and accidentally dropped Chuck as he started to sob. Daiya crouched down a bit and spread his arms as Mondo hugged him, burying his face in his big brothers chest.

"Was it my fault?" Mondo's voice trembled between the sobs. Daiya eyed him, confused. "What? Of course it wasn't your fault." Daiya's eyes got wet but he tried to keep his tears at bay, he wanted to be strong for Mondo's sake. "Let's make some hot chocolate, 'kay?"

They sat quietly at the table. Daiya made Mondo a sandwich and some hot chocolate in his favorite mug, but the poor boy just sat without saying a word, staring at the plate in front of him. "You're not gonna eat it?" Daiya asked, trying to hint that if Mondo didn't eat it, he'd eat it instead. The attempt to lift up Mondo's mood didn't work though.

"I left the bag in front of the door." Mondo gulped. "I was worried that your clothes would get wet. And I really wanted you to have something clean for work." His lip started trembling. "Oh brother..." Daiya finally understood why Mondo had thought it was his fault. The poor boy had thought he could've done something if he had taken the groceries all the way inside miss Kotoha's house.

"Listen. Miss Kotoha was very ill, but she was very good at covering it. There is nothing you could've done, y'know?" Daiya tried to comfort Mondo by telling him the truth. In fact, Daiya had once talked about it with miss Kotoha, who hadn't seemed like she was afraid of her sickness.


"You are good boys, Owada." Miss Kotoha smiled warmly at Daiya, who poured her some tea. "There is no need to worry about me. I am an old woman now, and I know I don't have much time left." Her words Made Daiya pour some tea on the table and he quickly placed the pot back on the stove. "Seems like I frightened you, didn't I?" Miss Kotoha was still smiling and Daiya sat down in front of her. "I have been sick for years now. I can feel my life coming to an end. Even the prettiest of flowers wither away." She chuckled kindly and Daiya gave her back a smile, as a sign of understanding. "Let's not worry your brother. He's quite young, yet he seems to have faced a lot in his life." Miss Kotoha and Daiya turned to look at Mondo who was fast asleep on her couch, not having a care in the world.


"Now eat." Daiya placed his elbows on the table. "It'll get cold." He watched as Mondo picked up the sandwich and started eating it, a few tears dropped on the plate. "I'll take a piss." Daiya said as he got up and headed for the bathroom. After locking the door he stood in front of the mirror, stared at his miserable reflection and broke down in tears. He wasn't even trying to hold them back anymore, he bawled as he leaned his back against the wall and slowly sunk down to the floor.

"Mom..." He sobbed. *I miss you so much... I... I'm tryin' to take care of him, but it keeps getting harder...* Daiya gritted his teeth. *I'm not good enough. He needs someone who... who can offer him warm food every single fucking day, who doesn't leave him alone...* He was hating himself for not being able to provide Mondo everything he deserved to have. *But mom... I would never let anyone take him from me...Is that...wrong? Even if all goes to hell and our life goes downhill even more than it already is?*

It was a night of misery and sorrow, the two brothers shared their tears, Mondo crying in the kitchen and Daiya sobbing in the bathroom. It felt like an appropriate moment to cry about everything they had on their minds. To purify their minds and let the storm rage for a little while.

I feel so bad when thinking about Daiya crying about their mother help

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