A loud explosion was herd. Tanners squad starts to hall ass to drop off point win all of a sudden; a loud crack popped through the air; temporally making them deaf for about 10 seconds. Cody's squad has the objective and they are know where to be found. another loud pop and Jax gets hit in the leg. tanner holsters his rifle and picks up his bleeding but still moving friend and carries him behind a rock. Taylor and reap follow and return fire as tanner panics to dress his wooden devil dogs leg.
(Tayler) AMBUSH!!! *tayler ready for a fight puts his gun up and starts shooting like a mad man and screaming* GET SOME YOU MOTHER FUCKERS GET SOME AAAAAAA!
(Reap) *reap throws a grenade and starts shooting the scattering Karen soldiers who are panicking to run from the armed grenade that thin blows up finishing reaps work of them*Tanner makes an attempt to get up with Cody and succeeds. Jax's leg is now dressed with cloth and bandage tape; Jax pulls out a pistol and closes his eyes; praying today won't be his last. tanner through static, started to try and explain to Cody; what is going on. Cody here's the gun fight and screaming on tanners end and even started to hear it in the woods.
Cody's squad started to push to tanners squad and flank the enemy's.
(Cody) tanner what's going on; we hear a lot of gun fire in the distance. We are moving to your position now.(tanner) we are in an ambush is the package safe!
(Cody) yes the package is secure; the helicopter hasn't arrived yet. we still have time before they get here. O SHIT LOOOK OUT!!Boom
A loud crack in there white noise
Brothers in war(war with North Korea)
Action(Cody) Hey tanner; we are good over here; if we want to get that mother fucker, your squad needs to attack now! (Tanner) I no god damn it; one of my men got hit. (Cody) ok ok... my squad will push to yours (Tanner) ok hurry now! we are stil...