Chapter Four

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The day of our tenth birthday was weird. I woke up at the bottom of our pool. Terra woke up under her favorite tree. Aura woke up at the top of her favorite tree. Makenna woke up at the top of a lit fireplace. Since it was our tenth birthday our powers were getting stronger, so in our sleep we walked outside into our elements. That morning was the day I learned that I could breathe underwater. It was also the day Aura learned she could defy gravity if she tried. And Makenna learned she could not burn in fire. Terra learned she could blend into trees, since none of us could find her when she was under her tree.

After we found Terra we were all very confused. So we went inside to ask our parents what was happening and they told us that we were getting our powers.

Mom explained some of our powers to us.

"Yes babies we've known since you were born that you had element powers. It's a special gene some people have. We actually don't know too much about the gene just that we have it and so did our parents and you have it."

Dad piped in " You girls have special abilities that we don't know and you're going to find about them soon"

" Although it seems you have already found some of them this morning." Mom finished.

"But how have you known all these years and not told us?!?" Makenna asked annoyed with our parents. "Well girls we really couldn't tell you, it's an unwritten rule, you have to find out for yourselves." Mom explained how they are a couple of rules for people with magic.

"You see we can't talk about magic anywhere near you until your tenth birthday, and we can't talk about magic in front of humans."

"Don't forget the rule about using magic safely and in front of humans." Dad mentioned

"Oh yes those rules. You have to promise to use magic safely and make sure no human ever sees you."

" Is that it or are we going to lose our powers if we don't." Makenna was very upset.

"Well if too many people find out then yes there is a chance that you could lose your powers." Dad said, making Makenna more mad.

"Makenna why are you so upset, look on the bright side. We have powers Makenna." Terra tried to calm Makenna down, although we all knew by then that when she got upset there was no calming her down.

"Terra, come on this is all very surprising and they kept it from us. We have a right to be upset." Aura was mad too.

"Hey sis, let it go. Yes they kept this from us. But they had to. And think about it. It makes sense." I just had to calm them down, we just find out we had powers. We can't be fighting about it. We have to go and play with them and see what we can do.

" Thank you Lynn. But come on we should go clean up a little, our friends should be here soon." Terra was the type to have everything clean just for a couple of friends.

"Ugh. Come on we cleaned yesterday Terra. " Makenna was still upset.

" Yes but I was lying in the dirt all night and you were in ashes all night. Aura was in a tree and Lynn well you were just in the pool so your just wet." Terra replied calmly. She did have a good point after all.

"Hey, I might be able to clean you all up with my powers."

" Now Lynn, you just got your powers. You need to learn to control them before you start messing with them." Mom lectured me.

"Especially indoors girls." Dad finished for her.

"It could be fun. Come on let's go outside and try it." Aura agreed with me. We went outside and I tried to wash them off with my water powers. I ended up completely drenching them and myself.

"Maybe I can dry you off with a little heat." Makenna said.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea." Terra didn't like the looks of things.

"Oh come on Terra. Lynn soaked us. We need to dry off before our friends come over."

"Ok. I'm doing it. And I promise I won't burn you and if I do Lynn can just put it out." Makenna tried to dry us all off. And almost scorched us, I has to put out the fire on our clothes.

"Makenna, be careful!!" I yelled

"Ok that's enough. Let's just go get some towels. And a change of clothes. We can practice our powers  after our friends go home." Terra was know for stopping us from fighting and getting us back on track. We went inside and dried our hair. And pick out our party clothes. After we dried off and had new clothes. We helped our parents with the party decorations. Aura wanted the streamers up higher. So she tried to lift them with her powers.

"Aura be careful. You could get hurt or break something." Mom yelled from the other room. Aura then dropped the streamers and ended up ripping them in half.

"See look what you did." Makenna yelled.

"Sorry I just wanted them higher." Aura yelled back. Then our friend Maya walked in scaring me.

"Ahhhh" I yelled then melted into a puddle.

"Are you ok Lynn? Its just Maya." Terra said.

"Did she just turn into a puddle?" Maya asked.

"Yea I'm fine you just kinda scared me Maya." I transformed back into a person.

"B-b-but you were just a p- puddle. H-h-how?" Maya was confused.

"I'll give you a quick explanation then I'll wipe her memory." Mom said. "So basically your emotions mess with your powers. It seems when Lynn is scared she turns into a puddle. Try not to get scared till you learn to control that Lynn. And the rest of you be careful, there no telling what will happen to you. And now here is a memory stick that erases the last five minutes from someone's memory. So use it quickly if anything goes wrong." Mom wipe what looks like a tide to go cleaner across Maya's head. "Here Terra you use this but only if you have too. Now girls go play some games in your room. I'll send up anyone who comes."

We went up to our room and agreed on playing some card games. While we were playing slapjack for the fifth time, Terra having won all of them.

Makenna was getting mad that she couldn't get any of the jacks quickly.

Makenna went to slap a jack and hit me while burning me. She got so mad her hand started turning into fire. I had to use my other hand and douse myself with water. I then hit Makenna with some water.

"Hey what did you do that for!" Makenna yelled.

"You're the one that burned me, Makenna."

"No I didn't."

"Tell that to my third degree burn on my hand. Where you slapped me."

"There's nothing there Lynn, stop making stuff up."

"I'm not you just need to learn to control yourself, Makenna."

"Girls stop fighting. Now Makennna you did burn Lynn. But Lynn your water put it out fast enough that you don't have a mark." Terra replied ever so calmly.

"Umm what's going on here?" Maya just witnessed some magic or at least heard us talking about it.

"Oh nothing Maya." Terra replied then wiped her memory.

"Let's get back to playing slapjack now everyone." I said as calm as can be.

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