Letters To Lou

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This is a bromance short between Harry and Louis... So if this may offend you or disgust you in any way, please leave now. Thank you. xx

Dear Louis,

I can't stop thinking about you. Wow, what a weird way to start a letter, isn't it? But I can't. Every single day, you're on my mind...

I'm so sorry about what happened. I wish I could've stopped it... I shouldn't have let you go see Eleanor. I knew things wouldn't turn out right; I just had a feeling. But I let you go anyway, and now you're here, lying in a hospital bed. God only knows when you'll wake up, but let's hope it's soon. They say it's a long shot, but I know you're a fighter. You'll wake up. You have to, because I can't stand another day without you.

Ever since I found out you were in a coma, nothing's been right. I stayed in bed for 3 full days until Liam found me and convinced me to eat something. I haven't acted the same way either. I snapped at Niall a few days ago when he asked me if I was okay. I knew he was just worried about me, and he didn't deserve that. The poor lad was just trying to help, and I hurt him. I'm a monster, Lou. I really am.

Eleanor still loves you. I know that you won't go back to her, after all, you breaking up with her is what caused the crash in the first place. 

I don't know what more to say today. But don't worry, i'm not leaving you just yet. I will have to leave sometime, but i'll be back tomorrow to write another note, and to bring you more flowers. Goddammit, Louis. I miss you so much. Just wake up already.

- Harry xx

I set down the pen I got from the front desk and placed the note on top of the pile of letters I had made. "Ugh, Harry. You said you wouldn't cry today." I huffed, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "At least the tears marks on the letter will be dry by the time he wakes up." 

If he wakes up.

The tears came again at the thought of losing Louis. What would life be like without my Boobear? It was unthinkable. I couldn't breathe without Lou. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't function. He kept me in line. I grabbed Lou's hand. Why did he have to leave me? Why did he have to be taken away? 

I couldn't take the pain anymore. I was done with this feeling. I didn't want to be sad. I didn't want to be mournful. I wanted it all to just go away.  I stood up from the bed, still hand in hand with Louis. 

"No, Hazza. Don't leave me." Said a voice behind me. I turned around and looked at Louis. His eyes fluttered open, and his lips curved into a small smile. 

"Louis..." I said, tears falling down my cheeks again. I sat down and wrapped my arms around him. He was back. After two weeks, he was finally back in my arms. "You're never leaving me again." I said, my face tucked against his neck.

After staying like that for minutes, I pulled my head up and looked at him. "Do you think we should tell the nurse that you're awake?" I asked. He just smiled even more.

"Not just yet. I don't want her to interrupt our time together." He said. He put his hands behind my head and pulled me down. When our lips touched, it was electrifying. My heart felt like it was about to burst. At that moment, I finally realized just how much I loved Louis. Just how much I needed him. How I could've been so blind to my own feelings?

Then I understood. It was all to convince myself that I wasn't in love with my best friend. Setting him up with Eleanor. All the flings with older women that I knew wouldn't last. The partying and the clubs. They were all meant to distract me from my true feelings.

But not any more. Never again would I doubt my love for Louis. He was my missing piece. And it took me this long to finally realize it. I pulled away from Lou.

"I love you." I said. It felt so good to admit it. He didn't even have to say it back, because I knew that he loved me, too.

Just like the last story, no hate was intended whatsoever. Thank you for reading. xx <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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