Chapter 1

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"Wake up fox-dung." a voice hissed into Snowkit's ear. Snowkit woke up with a jolt, noticing it was her mother. Shaking off his white fur he looked up at his mom. "What are you waiting for? Your already 5 moons old, go play with the other kits!" His mother Quietecho repeated. Her name never really matched her personality. She was always a rude cat, but Quietecho was the only cat he knew he was related too, besides his littermate Wolfkit.

Lumbering out of the gorse bush, that's so called a nursery. He looked around at the world. His brother Wolfkit, was playing with his den-mates, Goldenkit and Sleekkit. Who were only 3 moons old, he found it sad that he would be stuck in a den with his brother. He's always been stuck up. But once Goldenkit joined it wouldn't be that bad.

"Hey, wanna play mossball with us?" Goldenkit asked, all three kits were in the clearing with Brownscar supervising them. 

Right when Snowkit was about to say yes, Wolfkit cut him off. "No he doesn't. He has better things to do like scare away prey with his white pelt, even the dead prey wants to run away from you!" Brownscar said nothing and shrugged, even the elder knew he would have problems later in his life with his pelt color.

"Snowkit walked away and hid behind a rock, Quietecho wouldn't want him back to the nursery so soon. Especially if he had to explain what happened. He just imagined Quietecho telling him to stop lying, and how much better his brother was than him.


"Okay, lets keep playing now!" Wolfkit said with his gray kit fur blowing in the wind. Goldenkit felt bad, he didn't deserve that. "I'll be right back." she said. Without at word she padded around camp looking for Snowkit. However, it didn't take long for her to find him. Goldenkit saw him behind the rock looking sadly at the ground. 

"Hey, Snowkit." she gently greeted him. He looked shocked when his eyes meet hers. "What do you want?" His facial expression turned back into sadness.

"I know your brother was being rude to you, I'm sorry I didn't say anything." Goldenkit looked up at Snowkit, looking guilty. "Its okay, I'm used to it." Snowkit murmured while Goldenkit nuzzled her face into his chest since she was younger.

"You shouldn't, I'm not sure what your mother doesn't see in you." Goldenkit sighed into his chest, starting to tear up. 

"Hey its okay." he murmured into her ear, closing his eyes and breathing in her scent. He was only four moons old. He didn't like this feeling, but he never tried to get rid of it. Being with Goldenkit made him feel needed and special.

"Want to go explorer outside of the camp?" Goldenkit suddenly asked, jumping up in excitment.

"Shh, keep it down, even the elders could hear you." Snowkit mewed, while batting her in the ear with his paw. "Okay, but do you want to go?" She asked, quieter this time. All that took was a nod from Snowkit as they bounded out into the moar.

It wasn't that hard to sneak away, since the Windclan camp is only a hill with a cave and a few dens.It was a sunny day during Green-Leaf, and the grass swayed in the wind. 

"The grass is super tail! Almost taller than Featherstar!" Goldenkit mentioned in awe, trying to swerve through the rough, long, grass. While Goldenkit was exploring the grass, he climbed onto a rock. "I'm a Windclan warrior!" He play hissed, while jumping on top of Goldenkit, catching her by suprise. (Don't take that the wrong way please XD) 

"Snowkit, Goldenkit! What in Starclan's name are you doing?" a voice sounded from the distance. They were caught. Green eyes met blue in terror. They were crow-food.

Walking up to the kits was a patrol of warriors, Acorntail, Mudface and Owlwatcher. The older cats loomed over them, "Why are you out here?" Mudface growled. Without waiting for a response, he hissed again, "Your lucky Shadowclan didn't find you."

"I'm sorry, please don't tell Quietecho." he knew how bad the punishment would be. Mudface picked him up with a grunt and Acorntail grabbed Goldenkit. Owlwatcher gave a sorrowful look at him, but than turned back to the older warriors.

-lOvElY tImE sKiPiEEEEEEEEEE-------------------------

"Are you serious!" Quietecho hissed at Snowkit. "Wolfkit was being mean to me and Golden-" Snowkit was cut off when Quietecho shoved him into the corner of the nursery, luckily only hitting the gorse. "I don't want to hear a word out of you about Wolfkit! He is much more responsible, respectful, talented and handsome than you."

The words hit Snowkit like a claw to the heart. Did she really mean that?

"Do.. do you really mean that?" he asked, voice quivering. His blue eyes glazed with tears, threatening to spill out of his eyes. "Of course I mean it! I don't lie!" Quietecho snarled. "I can't believe I ever had a son like you, your causing trouble and your only 5 moons old!"

That was it, Snowkit broke down crying. His only comfort was Goldenkit. Quietecho just scoffed and leaved him in the nursery alone to weep.

Hey! What do you guys think of my first chapter? Any Suggestions? Feel free to comment. Since i do currently go to school, and am occupied with swim practice 5 days a week. I think my posting day will be Sunday, but I can't garentee anything. Thank you for reading! Vote, comment and follow me if you like it. (lol me tryna sponser myself)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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