I am not afraid if us !

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Zayn P.O.V

i was happy to see her ! Once I open my eyes I opened my phone to text Maria found a text from Maria saying !!

" I miss you boy . "

" Miss you more ma little lady . "

" Zayn i am going to the mall tonight !! "

" ok honey take care !! "

once she said she will be there I manged what will I do it seemed she forgot about her birthday !! so I was going to make it up to her and get her right she is 20 now so she's free to do whatsoever she wants as her family rules that means that I can take her back ! I told the boys and they agreed with me to make her a big surprise ! I need to see her smile and hear her laugh she makes me happy .

Maria P.O.V

Zayn morning text made my day !! I can't believe that the boy I am in a relationship with is my idol the boy that hold me till I sleep is my idol my boyfriend is my idol !

I need to bye clothes because of that I was going to the mall it's not gonna be okay but first I had to go to the bank to get some money from what my parents left me .. when I went there it wasn't hard at all I made a new credit card with my real parents names it was perfect . I went to the mall and bought some clothes the day couldn't be better or that what i though !

i was walking when someone pushed me in the hall with his hand on my mouth and in my eyes i was scared but he wasn't hard on me so i knew i was related to this person some how that person let me go i opened my eyes found Zayn holding flowers with a card on it " HBD MA LITTLE LADY .. FOREVER !! " i couldn't tell about the butterflies I got just when I saw him I rushed to him and hugged I didn't care about the flowers then whispered in his ear " You're the best birthday gift ever bbe"

i turned around found that Liam was the one who got me in there I rushed to him too and hugged him I found Louis Niall and Harry I hugged them all there were no one around us witch was pretty awkward .. Harry took the bags from me and took to the car I was so happy . Zayn was holding a bag he told me to go change into what in it . It was a long red dress Zayn looked at me and said in a soft voice " you're perfect .. you look gorgeous ma lady "  suddenly photographers got in the mall and loads of Directioners and what scared me the most my uncle and his wife but there was nothing they can do Zayn took a microphone and said " This is my girl Maria .. A gift from above and I would do anything to be with her she's my everything "

Directioners were screaming and crying Zayn went and hugged some of them as much as he can then he picked up the microphone again and said

" don't cry I will always be yours I will never forget you my special Directioners "

and he threw a kiss in the air .. what surprised me too that most of the fans got me presents for my Birthday .. We ate the cake and I was happy .. my uncle and his wife was prevented to reach me and that was the best part .. After that Zayn took me up on a stag I though he was going to say I word when he got up he said I just want to say that she is mine and will always be i smiled . then Zayn turned to me and grabbed me closer to him his hand was on my waist and he put his forehead on mine while looking in my eyes then to my lips and bitting his then he grabbed my neck closer to his face and kissed me in front of everybody it was crazy but it proved for me and eveybody how much does he loves me

Zayn P.O.V

all i had to do now is to make her come home with me

" Maria .. now you're 20 !! "

" yeah I am ! "

" now you're free will you come with me and promi- .. "

" No promises Zayn i hate them they are just lies with beautiful ribbons on them. "

" But it won't be like that with U & I "

" it's all the same bbe .. so what did you want ?? "

"  come with me you don't have to be with you're family forever !! "

" Zayn let me think about that .. "

she looked confused and she left !!

Love never dies ( Zayn Malik )Where stories live. Discover now