Zayn P.O.V ...
i didn't find Maria anywhere I got out of the car walked into some trees in order to find her but I didn't . I was so afraid because the night came down ... where is she ... how is she doing ... did anybody hurt her .. millions of questions flushed in my head about her .. how did I say that .. i felt scared , worried , tired , guilty and bad .. i was very upset .. i started crying so hard while driving .. i driver as fast as possible . I didn't even get the flash lights on and I wasn't drunk ...
Maria P.O.V
i didn't know what to do after I left the house even if I wanna go back i don't have the strength to do that .. i walked a little bit more .. but I was dying inside . I found a house of a friend that I haven't seen from a while coz she was travelling . I went to her .
" how's there ?? "
" it's me .. Maria .. "
" Maria .. hey sweetie what happened it's about midnight how did you come here "
" Monica .. I'll tel you everything in my story .. Every single detail of it .. "
" come in come in "
i told Monica about it all o brushed into tears while talking to her she hugged me and said in her beautiful smooth voice " hold on .. He didn't mean it " after I relaxed she got us drinks and snacks .. We were going to watch a movie .. but I opened the news first .. i don't know why I did that .. i was never interested in that .. i found
" HOT NEWS : The young Zayn Malik .. found down a cliff after he made a car accident .. He wasn't drunk as the doctors say .... but what's the truth .. what was going on .. well know that later . "
i didn't belive what I heard I broke down felt it was all my mistake if I only listed to him .. It would of been the best for both of us .. Monica got me a jacket .. and told me she'll drive me to Zayn .. i went to the hospital he's in .. It was the a me hospital Lottie was in .. He was in the emergency services it was impossible to reach him i slept on the couch waiting for him to wake up
* The next morning *
i woke up .. al of my body hurt me from all the walking yesterday and the uncomfortable sleeping .. i washed my face and went to check Zayn again . The boys came when I was asleep last night and Monica was gone but she left me a note telling me they her parents were back from USA and she'll pick them up .. The doctor came to me
" How is Zayn doctor ..? "
" same as misses Lottie Tomlinson .. "
" what do you mean ??"
" He'll survive but no one know how .. "
" what happened to him ??"
" well a car crushed in his car that's why his car was found down the cliff .. people die in accidents like this . but he only got some broken bones .. Some deep cuts but the will fade away .. "
" stop i don't wanna hear anymore but with all that you say only !! "
" yeah there is much ....... sorry .. "
" ok thanks but when I can get in to him ?? "
" as soon as he wake up "
after half an hour Zayn woke ..
" Hey Zayn .. "
" Hi princess "
" Zayn i am sorry ..... i didn't mean to say what I did "
" shshshshshshshsh ....... i am the one who is sorry !! I was only trying to protect you .... "
i didn't say I word i just approached him and kissed his lips ..
" wait did this happen before .. "
" hhhh . i don't know but I think so but you did it boy "

Love never dies ( Zayn Malik )
ФанфикIt's about a Directioner who would be finally noticed by ONE DIRECTION