Chapter 6

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Here's the next chapter!!! Sorry it took so long Enjoy!!


(A Few Hours Earlier)

Soundwave's POV

I was decoding some new sets of coordinates to find the iacon relics when Lord Megatron called me over to the bridge. He probably has a mission for me. I thought to myself. Once I got to the bridge, I stood a few feet in front of Megatron.

"Ah, Soundwave. I have called you her because I have a task for you to do." The warlord said as he turned around to face me. "I need you to send Laserbeak to spy on Starscream in order to know what he holds dearly. That way, if by any chance that he is to deceive me again, I will use that against him."

Wait a minute, Starscream holds something dearly other that his pride? That's a surprise. Then again...

"Since he has been assigned to take care of that Sparkling, he's been acting...strange lately. find out what's going on and report to me at once."

I nodded and walked out of the room. I was planning to continue decoding the Iacon relics but then remembered the task Lord Megatron gave me. Instead, I walked to my quarters and brought out laserbeak. He transformed and flew on my arm.

"I need you to send Laserbeak to spy on Starscream in order to know what he holds dearly," I told laser beak using Megatron's voice. He nodded and flew off my arm and into the vents. I'll Leave everything to Laserbeak now. Speaking of which...

I better go back to decoding the Iacon relics. Laserbeak will return once he's done.

(Present Time)

Starscream's POV

I watched as Sapphire was recharging peacefully in her crib. But I still can't shake the feeling that I was being watched a few cycles ago. I shrugged it off and continued watch my little sparkling as she slept. She started to stir in her sleep.

Is she having a nightmare again or...Sapphire opened her optics an rubbed them with her arms. She looked up at me with a smile and reached out for me to take her. I couldn't help but smile a well and picked her up.

"Did you have a good recharge, little Sapphire?" I asked her.

"Uh-huh." She said yawning afterwards.

"Looks like somebot's sleepy again, hmm?" She shook head quickly and looked up at me.

"Mm...not sleepy..." I looked at her with a shocked expression. I guess she's still learning a few words. I smiled at her and patted her helm.

"Good girl, Sapphire. You're learning very well. But soon, I am going to teach you about cybertron's history and tell you all about the decepticons." I told her while I walked towards the the door.

"Say, how would you like to go flying with me, hmm?" She nodded and put on a smile. Since she was going to be cooped up here at the nemesis maybe a good flight around the ship would get her prepared when its time for her to fly. It was going to be just me and Sapphire until...

Starscream, report to the bridge immediately! Megatron shouted through the speakers. I groaned. So much for spending some time with Sapphire. She looked up at me with her saddened optics.

"Eh, sorry little one looks like we'll have to do it later. In the meantime, how would like to spend some time with uncle knockout?" Her little smile came back and she giggled. I took her to sick bay and placed her on the medical berth. She looked around for a bit and crawled up next to me.

The Seeker and the Sparkling (on hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz