Chapter 1 (:

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**** okay, i decided to start a new fanfiction, because my first one was crap.. and i really didn't know, how i should continue it. 

well, this fanifiction is actually not a real Austin Mahone fanfiction, since he won't be famous or a singer at all. i mean he's still a main character in it, but he's just not famous. 

oh, and the story is based on the music video of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift, even though i changed a lot details. 

well, enjoy reading and please let me know, if you like it(: i really tried to give my best. 

leave comments ((: & vote if you want.(:

here it goes; CHAPTER ONE (: ****

„No, mom! I’m alright. I’ll just go upstairs in my room studying”, I yelled while I walked the stairs up to my bedroom. My mom had just asked me, if I want dessert, but I said no. It's not that I wasn’t in mood for something sweet, to be honest I haven’t eaten sweets in what seemed forever, but that wasn’t important. Well, not as important as losing weight. I had to be thinner until the end of the summer, and till then it were only a few weeks anymore. For my sophomore I want to look as good as possible and that means to lose as much weight as possible.

As I reached my room I walked in and closed the door behind me locking it. After warming up a bit, I started to do my usually work-out, like I had done every night for the past 2 weeks now. After about an hour I collapsed on my bed really exhausted. While my heart beat slightly slowed down I started to add together all the calories I had eaten today. “Fuck!”, I exclaimed, as I realized I had eaten over 1.000kcal. Again. I really need an excuse to miss a few meals. I can’t be on a diet and still eat breakfast, lunch AND dinner and if it goes after my mom, dessert too. No! I need to find a way to eat less. With this thought I walked into my bathroom right to my scale, standing next to the shower. After I removed my clothes, I got on it and took a deep breath, before moving my head down to my biggest fear. I sighed in relief as I saw that the number was lower than yesterday, even though it was only a half kilo. I grabbed my clothes and threw them to the other bunch of dirty clothes in my room. Then I put my PJs on and climbed in my bed, taking my laptop with me. I started to surf on tumblr, twitter and facebook. The usually things. When suddenly I got a new ask-message on tumblr. I opened it and gasped as I read the content. “you’re an ugly bitch, I hope you know that. no wonder david cheated on you! i hope you have a terrible night.”

I shut my laptop down and sat there in silence for a few minutes. Then the crying started. I could do nothing to stop the tears from streaming down my face. I felt all the pain again. I’ve felt it so often since that night I caught my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, making out with another girl.


I got out of my mother’s car and said goodbye to her, while grabbing the small present I had with me for David, my cute boyfriend. Today was the day we have been dating for two months, so I decided to buy something for him. I didn’t tell him, that I would come earlier than expected, because I wanted to surprise him. I walked up the stairs to the front door and opened it slowly in case he would be downstairs and might hear me. I closed the door behind me and quietly walked up the stairs to his open bedroom door, when I suddenly heard whispering and giggling from inside. I stopped and listened carefully. “Oh, David. No. Don’t stop. Ohh..” As I heard the moaning of a girl I dropped the present I brought with me and ran into his room, just to see him in bed half naked with a blonde girl, wearing just her underwear. “W-what are you d-doing?”, I stuttered looking at David shocked. He looked up at me growing stiff. “Gabby! I.. I am..Ehh”, David tried to find an excuse. Then his expression changed. “Wait! What are you doing in my house?”, he asked. “Well, I wanted to give you a present for our 2 months anniversary, but it seems like you have something other to do!” With that I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me. I ran the stairs down out of this house, tears streaming down my face.

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