Skittles & Science

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Chapters: 29

When Reyna Winters finds out that she's failing Chemistry, she's given one last chance. She enlists help from the school's White Coat Freak, Wesley Black. The boy who goes all over school in a white lab coat. He is a snarky, anti-social, chemistry nerd who surprisingly has a soft side. Much more lies under Wesley's solitary persona that Reyna can't help but wonder about. While Wesley teaches Reyna about chemistry, she learns more about him and her feelings. There's more to Chemistry than just chemicals. There's love, science, and Skittles.


My thoughts: You will think hes a compete douche at the beginning and he is, but  keep reading I swear it gets better. And although she has the most insane ideas; theres reasons behind her actions. I've probably read this story 3 times and everytime I do I feel the joy and pain that comes with reading this story. Although ones a genius and ones a sugar junkie their unlikely friendship is definitely one worth following. It made me learn how hilarious science can be. 

I'll leave you with this: Everyone no matter how smart everyone makes stupid mistakes.


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