It's not always pretty

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"I think it's a misconception that happy couple never fight."

Is it always all rainbow and sunshine in their place? No. Even thunders still come on summer days. As much as they are in love, they can still drive each other pretty mad. And for today, there's no exception.

"I'm just saying, they could have done it better." she said.


"Perhaps, if they actually tried to-"

"You know", he said as he munches the leftover apple strudel they have from the restaurant they ate in last night, "you should have say it if you're really pissed off."

"What are you talking about?" she dips her biscuit in a glass of cold milk.

"That's the problem with you. You never really say what you mean and just expect everyone to get it-"

"I don't-"

"-and then you'll be pissed off when they don't understand it when you never try."

She stopped dunking her biscuit.

"Yeah." he added.

Her face started to turn red but she keep it to herself. She tries to finish her meal and end up going to the sink in large steps and do not come back to watch the tv together like they used to. He could hear their bedroom's door being closed. He then sighed and kicks the foot of their dining table, letting out a tired grunt.

They end up not talking. He went out meeting his brother around the afternoon and she goes out for a walk without any destination in her head. She ends up in bookstore and lost herself in the alley of novels, trying to clear out her mind. He's not really that great either, dozing on the cold-bottle coffee and chips in his brother's fridge. No talking.

Sometimes it's big, sometimes it's small. Mostly it leaves them upset. Yet whenever these kind of things blow up, a small thought starts to creep up their mind:

'I wish I haven't done that.'

Yet it may take some time for their ego to calm down and their logic to take over. They are not perfect, after all. They never were.

It was almost dinner time when she got back home, hands clutching paper bags of their favorite chinese take-outs for two. He already sit down on the sofa, the tv plays a rerun of his favorite club's football match but his eyes are not really on the screen. That does not mean he keeps his mouth open at first though. And she knows that, so she did what she has to.

"We need to talk." she said.

And talk they did.


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