Part 3

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Today marked exactly one month since Jade had shown up at her mum’s house unexpectedly. She had been an emotional wreck. Her mascara had run down her cheeks from crying so much, and she had gotten a case of the hiccups due to her erratic breathing from crying.

Jade’s mum had gone to great lengths to make sure that Jade heard nothing of Perrie. Jade hadn’t seen Perrie in a magazine or on the telly, and hadn’t heard Perrie’s voice on the radio. At first, Jade had made some sort of attempt to hear Perrie’s voice one last time. Now, the blonde never really crossed Jade’s mind at all. Jade was proud of herself for moving on. Jade figured it really had been seeing Perrie constantly that had kept her hanging on. Sure Jade hadn’t gone out looking for a new relationship, but she was finally over Perrie.

Yet Jade still feared that if she went home again and was on her own, the blonde would pop up on the telly and Jade would be a goner, sobbing her eyes out once again. For that reason, Jade found herself waking up in her room from her childhood; she had been living at her mum’s house this whole month. As Jade rose from the bed. She realized how pathetic this was getting. Jade grabbed her phone and dialed Jesy, a random friend from before uni that she hadn’t talked to in ages. Jade was skeptical that this was still even Jesy’s number, but it was worth a shot.

“H’lo?” Someone murmured sleepily into the phone after a couple of rings. “Jes..?” Jade said somewhat hesitantly. “Yeah…? Who is this?” Jade realized how awkward this phone call was going, and she had only said one word so far. “Hey, it’s Jade… Thirlwall. Jade Thirlwall. Do you remember me?”

Jade could honestly hear Jesy smile after hearing her words. “Jadey! How’ve ya been girl! I haven’t heard from you in ages!” Jade giggled at Jesy’s sudden enthusiasm. To be honest, Jade was glad Jesy was one of the people whose number she had managed to salvage because Jesy always had this ability to comfort anyone and brighten their mood almost instantly. That was why Jade had called Jesy, because Jade wanted someone to make her happy. After about ten minutes of catching up, Jade and Jesy had decided to meet up at Jesy’s place later that night and just have a girl’s night. Jade was glad she was finally doing something with her life and escaping her mum’s house.


Perrie sat in the makeup chair as her makeup artist applied the final touches to her lashes. Perrie honestly hated the amount of time it took to get ready, because during that time, her mind wandered, and it always ended up wandering to Jade.

Perrie was so stupid. She let Jade slip through her fingers, and to be honest, she wasn’t even mad at Jade, because Jade hadn’t done a single thing. Perrie had gotten so deep in her new fame that she had slowly pushed Jade to the back of her mind. And now, Jade had somehow managed to push herself all the way to the front, and she pervaded almost all of Perrie’s thoughts.

Perrie wished she could just call Jade and make up with her, but she knew it wasn’t that simple. She had screwed things up so bad, and Jade didn’t even deserve any form of contact from her. Perrie wondered how Jade felt when she saw her on the telly or heard her on the radio. She wondered if Jade felt anything at all. She wondered if Jade had moved on and had someone new in her life. Thinking about someone else holding and kissing Jade made Perrie feel sick, because she knew it was entirely possible. Jade was extremely beautiful, and she was sure many people were interested in her.

Perrie was thankfully saved from her thoughts as she was ushered onstage for her next interview, Jade once again being pushed to the back of her mind.


Jade was having such a wonderful time. She was smiling and laughing and catching up with someone that she never thought she would talk to again. She was glad she was talking to Jesy again though. Time with Jesy seemed therapeutic. Time was passing by so quickly, and Jade was just so thankful she had a friend again that took her mind off of her worries. Jesy was telling Jade some funny story about a house party she had attended a few weeks ago when suddenly Jade found herself not listening at all.

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