Ch.2- Why Bushra is a Muslimah~ A Deeper Insight (Part II)

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Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah! *grins widely*

Thank you so much for your patience! I'd like to now welcome you back to 'Tales of the Heart' with Part II of our lovely interview with Bushra Fathima (crazyme_97) 😁

In Part I, Bushra had shared with us the first three reasons as to why she's a Muslimah. She explained how Islam is the only religion that makes sense to her, how Allah subhanahu wa ta'alah (Glory to Him, the exalted) is the only One truly worthy of worship and how she believes that He is the only One capable of performing miracles.

And now, back to you Bushra!


Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuh!

I hope you all have been keeping well and I also hope you are excited for the continuation of this conversation just like how I am! This part though my dear sisters and brothers might contain a few facts that might be completely new to you, but if you are willing to make an effort to open your mind to all what I'm saying, your view of a lot of things might change to a whole extent by the Will of Allaah.

Moving on to the fourth reason.

Right from the beginning of time, there have been 1,24,000 prophets and 315 messengers out of which 25 are mentioned in the Qur'aan (including Musa (AS) (Moses), Harun (AS) (Aaron) and Isa (AS) (Jesus)). The huge number is because there had been one prophet sent to every nation so people cannot give reasons of not having received word of Islaamic monotheism on 'D' Day. Not all their names are known but those whose names are known, All Praise is due to Allaah, we see what kind of example they had set by their complete submission to Him.

In Islaam, comparing prophets is considered as a dastardly and lowly act. However, since we belong to the nation of the last and final Messenger, we can be considered Muslims only if:

~We believe there is no God but Allaah

~We believe Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is His Messenger.


So what you're saying is, because in our time the last Prophet and Messenger has been sent, believing in him is a must for us to be considered Muslims and for our faith to be complete.

But for those living before the last Prophet was given the message, it was enough for them to believe in Allah because... well, the Prophet wasn't sent yet. Would that be right?


Yes, exactly! However, please make a note that there are some people who don't adhere to the last part (sects and divisions which have sprung out of nowhere) and automatically nullify their faith. These are those who are willing to give more importance to martyrs and other such people rather than respecting the Messenger of Allaah. Masha'Allaah may Allaah give hidayah (guidance) to them.


*murmuring* Aameen...


Keeping these people and their ideologies aside, what if I tell you that the coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a Mercy to mankind had been prophesied in the texts of Hindus, Jews and Christians?

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