Feeling Sassy?

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Helloooo my freinds meme review back at it again. Jk but hi lol. Hope u like this

It was 11PM. Sami woke up from a nap. Since she'd be at work all day. Her mouth was salty, and dry. She had felt as stressed out as much as she could be. She could've swore she saw odd purple tape with a ghost on it everywhere she went. It almost felt like someone was watching her, or just simply following her to her home.

"Uh, lemme brush my teeth so it doesn't smell." Sami got up, and began to brush her teeth. All of a sudden, the lights in her house had started flickering. "Shit. Not again." Then, another pause and all of a sudden there was a loud giggle, or laugh that seemed to be all around her. She took out her tooth brush from her mouth and held it out like a weapon. "Who's there?! I'll hurt you!" She hollered. Then, it all of a sudden stopped.

It was pretty late, so she figured she'd go back to bed. She has work very early in the morning. Sami took off the round glasses she put on when getting out of bed, then got back in. The sheets were still warm. She wasn't sure what had just happened but it was surely over for now. Atleast she had hoped it was.

Now, Sami has heard of the paranormal, but nothing like this. "The purple tape with a ghost on it, now this.. what could it mean.." She was talking to herself.

Sami was obsessed with the paranormal lately. Tv shows, movies, even YouTube videos. (Sorry didn't wanna come up with an off brand.) The things were just so interesting and intense to her. She loved when the adrenaline pumped through her body. It felt like an electricity surge throughout her bones and soul altogether.

Whoever was laughing, seemed a little annoying. Someone she probably wouldn't hang out with on a regular daily basis. Maybe even a guy. It didn't matter now. It had stopped. "But why do I keep on thinking about it.." she blinked her eyes a little, to know whether if she was dreaming or not.

She finally went back to bed, closing her eyes. As her eyelids met, she still didn't feel safe at all. Something would happen while she was sleeping, but she had decided to ignore that now. That's another story for tomorrow.

As she slept, things seemed to have changed. In the middle of the early morning, she woke up sweaty. Could Sami have been that worried about it? She kept on telling herself it wasn't that big of a deal. It couldn't be.

Trying to go back to bed multiple times, time had passed. Eventually, she gave up on trying to sleep anymore. "Might as well get up now. It's morning so, nothing bad could really happen. Right. Right?" Yeah, sure.

"E e e e e e p!" She saw a nasty cockroach in her sink when she was getting ready for the day. Sami didn't usually like snakes. "It is what it is." Sami being the chill person she was, she put it in a TubOWhare, then let it free outside on her porch. "Run free, little one!"

The cockroach did run free. It sensed what was coming upon Sami's house.

AND THATS ONE CHAPTER DOWN! A few more to go! I hope you enjoyed this one, Sami <3

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