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News Flash: breaking news!

Reporter1:a couple died due to an accident. Police said that it was all planned. Who did this? What relationship are they in? Who planned all this? What do you think about it Mr.Lee?

Reporter2: I think the same as police that it was not an accident but a well planned murder.

Reporter1: Me too. And also police has said that the murderer did not leave any evidence or a hint.

Reporter2: That murderer was really clever. And here is the photo of the couple which are police has found in the man's purse.

(photo is in media!)

Reporter1: Aren't they too young?
Our police haven't found any evidence against the murderer and hence its been named as an accident.

Reporter2: For more such news, watch "From Today". Now let's take a short break and then we'll gonna show you-How the Cheif Minster has save his son from not going to the jail. We'll return after a break.


Sinb was watching that same news of the couple that they've been died on an accident and the couple is none other than Eunha & Jimin. Yerin was also shocked. For Yerin its really hard to control Sinb. Sinb kept crying and crying.

"Unnie...he's gone...he's gone unnie he's gon-" but before Sinb complete her sentence, she fell down. Unconscious. Yerin approach to her. Ahe tapped her cheeks and also try to shake her body, but none of them were working.

Then Yerin decided to call her friends none other than Taehyung and Jungkook.

She quickly ran to their room and knocked. After few minutes Taehyung opened.

"Where's Jungkook?" She asked crying.

"Hey are you crying?" Taehyung was worried.

"Please tell me where's Jungkook?" She again asked. And Taehyung points Jungkook, who is in his own world.

"You know right, what happened?" He asked concerned.

"Jungkook? Jung-" Yerin was making her way to Jungkook, who's sitting on the bedroom floor.crying. But was interrupted when Taehyung hold her one of the arm. She looked at him.

"No Yerin! Its not time to talk." Ge said to her.

"But Eunbi felt unconscious!" She cried and whined, Jungkook raised his head to Yerin.

"What?" Jungkook was shocked.

"Yeah she's not fine and by all thi-" she felt on her knees and was cutted when Jungkook quickly rushed out of the room to Sinb's room. Taehyung took care of Yerin.

Jungkook pov:

Here she(sinb)is, laying down on the floor. He ran to her and place her head on his lap.

"Ya Eunbi? Eunbi?" His tears was falling one by one on her cheeks.
But he didn't got any response from the girl. He then carried her into the bridal style and informed Taehyung and Yerin and they too followed him to the hospital.


-after admitting Eunbi/Sinb in hospital-

"Dr how is she?" Yerin and Jungkook asked in unison.

"She's fine but still she'll take time to be awake. In the next morning she can get discharged." Dr said and left. All 3 of them went inside the room. Taehyung said to Jungkook that he'll be going back to the hotel along with Yerin. Jungkook agreed and stays with Eunbi.


Boring right? Well Eunmin is dead now! *crying*...I love eunmin so so much and also I love eunhope and yumin. Well don't hate me.
I love you guys!
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"To Be Yours" || 신국 (SinKook) & (TaeRin) || [earlier: "As Long As You Love Me"]Where stories live. Discover now